I heard somewhere that somebody used an Electromagnetic field to induce certain states (much like bwgen, but that uses sound) does anyone know how effective that would be?
and could you build something that would have the same effect?
I heard somewhere that somebody used an Electromagnetic field to induce certain states (much like bwgen, but that uses sound) does anyone know how effective that would be?
and could you build something that would have the same effect?
sounds like the “Monroe Institute”
oh sorry, I think the Monroe Institute only sheilded bodies from electromagntics … but they also taught people about “schumann resonance” and our connection with earth’s electromagnetic radiation.
… so just maybe it’s possible … but sounds backwards and unnatural.
I remember this article:
abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/ … 20919.html
bio-medical.com/results.cfm? … iclass=fre
there are some alpha inducing units on here for pain relief but i haven’t found any mass produced alpha/theta/delta type things
i once stumbled across a link that showed you how to build one, but building a device that sends electricity into your brain didn’t seem like a good idea to me…
how do they compare do binaural beats in effectiveness, are they better?
and also do you remember the website on how to biuld one, i like the idea of frying your brain with electricity
found it.
and i would suppose electricity works much better than binaural beats and faster, but i wouldn’t know.
cool thanks, theres not too many parts either. i’m still debating whether to try this or not.
any more info welcome!
actually I have been looking through google groups and there is a few articles about this exact website and it sounds pretty dangerous, but that works with a direct current running through your brain, anyone know any plans for building something that creates an EM field? that would be much less dangerous, if dangerous at all.
i think?
well if this thing (i’m not sure if it is) is made with a 9 volt battery it probably won’t kill you…
but you never know.
i once saw a website actually selling this devices… I sadly do not recall the url anymore.
apperently a 9v battery has enough current to kill you as the capacitors attached to your head are salt water capacitors,lowering the resistance of your skin.
groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&l … 37d&rnum=1
but i guess an EM field would be much safer, am i right?
uhhh, and most tazer guns use 9-volts.
It does sound possible, but I’m not going to try it
You guys let me know how it turns out.
Just another thought about EM fields though. Couldn’t you possibly configure a CAT or PET scan device to to something like that?
It sweeps waves of signals through your body in phase with each other.
Wonder if you could configure it to modulate signals to each hemisphere of your brain to induce beats?
yes, you could, but i dont have any CAT or PET scanning devices,
does anyone know how to change the frequency of the electromagnet,
so lets say I had a 9v battery in a circuit with an electromagnet of 100 turns around a soft iron core, and the output field was 50hz, how could I lower it.
I dont want to lower the energy of the field jsut the frequency
any ideas
To do that, you would need to build an oscillator circuit. The frequency would be controlled by resistors and capacitors.
Give this a look:
One thing you will want to to though is to connect the electromagnet using a transistor instead of driving it directly from the 555 output.
Yes seeker it would be possible, it could work perfect to replace medication for antidepression for example but also to stimulate your long term memory while learning. Iam sure far far in the future this will be done for sure.
They should also be able to make u lucid while dreaming.
Btw a pet scan made from a lcuid dreamer showed that the frontal cortex and pre frontal cortex possibly are the key to lucid dreaming.