I remember when I was a small child that when my feelings were hurt or I would sob often I would feel a pain in my throat.
What the heck is that?
Even today when I’m older I can feel that sensation during sadness. Where does it originate? What muscle or organ? Why does sadness affect it?
- Here’s another “emotion sensation”
If I hear a description of a very painful or gruesome event. I can feel a similar sensation in … my … “base chakra” location. The “base chakra” is located at the base of the spine.
Why in the heck is that?
It is an unique sensation? Not as painful as the first “Throat emotion sense” but not so pleasant either.
Why does imagining or hearing of very painful events trigger such a sensation?
Both of these “emotion sensations” seem to be common with all people I’ve had a chance to discuss this with. I’m not the only one who have felt these.
I once studied “Chakra’s” and “chakra meditation” to help me with lucid dreaming. I never gave much effort and without quick results I gave up on the whole ‘chakra thing.’ But I did learn about the locations, colors, and descriptions of each chakra.
Afterwards, Once I felt another “emotion sensation” I drew the parallel between chakra’s and these sensations. I’m curious if they are related?
I’m sure the chakra people will say they are. But what about non-chakra people? … kinda like myself
Why are our emotions released as pain in certain locations of our bodies?
Where is the pain and what makes it hurt? Is it a bone, organ, muscle or skin?
And to the chakra people: can all 7 of the chakra’s be felt physically like these sensations. What emotions trigger other chakra sensations?
Can anyone think of another “emotion sensation?”
… One more question. ??? Is there a doctor in the house?