End of the World Dream

moved from Gen Luc :moogle:

Do you have experienced such lucid dream ? It happens time to time for me.
I got different one :
-The kind where I feel the earth trembling and something big coming like a huge wave, then my dream collapse to darkness (then I woke up)
-One time, I was in my appartment, looking through the window, when I so a huge meteor of fire crashing at 3 km where I was. The fire propagated very quickly, I could feel the hot air coming, until I was in the fire with a burning sensation inside the chest. (then I woke up, feeling the sensation during 1 minute awake)
-One time, where my dream characters knew the world would end, but were very excited, almost happy about it, they were going to a sort of ship to leave somewhere. (sadly I lost lucidity for this one)

The fun thing, is that even if lucid, I was not scared about it. Even a little bit excited like my dream characters was in the third one.
But every time, I’m not deliberately provoking the end of the world.

Have you tried to do it deliberately ? or did it happened from nowhere ? Have you been scared ?

I’ve had several -Apocalypse dreams. Mostly zombies or aliens. :razz: I’ve never tried to cause an End-of-the-World scenario. In most of them I’ve tried to fight off whatever was happening to try to save the world.

Sometimes I’ve been scared… but that was because zombies in the dark are definitely a little terrifying. :razz: Most of these kinds of dreams have probably cropped up from playing too many video games. :razz:

Zombies, aliens, flood, meteors, darkness eating the world… whatever one can think of. I wasn’t scared, I was thinking clearly, organizing people around me to escape or fight. Usually someone of my family would get hurt, which causes me to lose my mind.

If it’s zombies, I fight and lead people. If it’s aliens, I’m usually horribly out gunned and overwhelmed so I have to run or hide. Sometimes I just appear in the future and wander around the destruction without encountering any threats. Once the whole planet was destroyed but I was saved. I don’t feel scared in these dreams. I felt sadness and outrage when Earth was completely destroyed.

I’ve just had the one that I can recall at the moment. So I can count them on the fingers of one hand.
The dream can be found here link

My second LD was just prior to joining ld4all.
It was a type of “end of the world” scenario. I had to get into a vehicle to travel to my destination. The vehicle was very compact inside like a formula 1 racing car. When the transparent lid shut I felt very claustrophobic and felt like I could hardly breathe. It was a horrible feeling. When I got to the destination there were a lot of people about. I saw my dad(who is dead in RL) and realised that I was dreaming. I immediately started to spin in an attempt to keep the LD and at the same time I tried to levitate. I got off the ground just a little a few times. But I could feel my fingertips knocking something solid and then had a FA where I was telling everyone about my dream.

I’ve got a few normal dreams of such type (no lucid dreams so far). Generally there’s only dark space and no planets left in our solar system, they are all gone and I’m the only and the last one to find that out. Scary :woo:

Zombies and aliens are more apocalypse dreams than end of the world.

In an end of the world dream, you can’t do anything, no fight, only fleeing and destruction.
Interesting to see almost no one is scared of them, wonder if such thing happened in the real world, it would trigger panic in one’s mind.