Energy and chakras and stuff like that

there is a sensationalism about spirituality

we see pretty videos and we want to be like that ,

usually, realization is a very very very gradual process , with occasional apexes of intensity ,

Eyelids and RelV you guys Rock!!!
something that i would like to add is Universal Life energy and how when we put our hands out facing the ceiling we can easily access it. And i will also try to do the hand technique with a friend like you suggested relV ~ It’s gonna be fun!!!

Thanks to ALL :smile:

I usually take tests just for the fun of it. :grin:

as for mudras, I find them some of them very enjoyable, and in fact, before I even knew anything about them, I would often form my hands into a semi-gyan mudra because it help to keep in a kind of joyful, warm energy that pervaded my body while I did some energy work, of pouring energy throughout my body.

That crazy Eyelids Dude :wink: was right in saying that there are many different forms of energy that can come into the body,

many of them you can detect simply through physical sensations, even emotions.

in my early meditation days I became totally blissed out by this really warm and joyful energy that filled me up, located somewhere in my spine and upper body that would often affect me throughout the day. I lamented it’s passing and the feeling of emptiness that accompanied me when I later ceased meditation for a while.

the feeling of the third eye is no stranger to me! as a matter of fact, if the whole concept of “energy” is still elusive to you, it would do well to keep in mind that the funny feeling in your forehead is this chakra spinning with some more energy in it’s spokes. back in my childhood, before I even knew about “energy and chakras and stuff like that,” I occasionally felt it spin into action. and during my childhood I may have wondered at the dot on the forehead of Hindus, not realizing that they were alluding to this very sacred center!

about a year ago I had a very pleasant practice on making my body into a circuit of warm and pleasant energy, that I learned from Robert Bruce’s book Astral Dynamics, back when I was super interested in OBEs. before I had even attempted chakra work, my third eye would kick up into intense activity, signaling that it was way overractive at the time! since then I have found that my chakra system has become more balanced without the major emphasis on this particular chakra.


think, for instance, about a time when you were nervous, like, a childhood visit to the dentist, or making a presentation in front of class, or asking someone out! :scared: have you ever felt what people call “butterflies in your stomach?” this is often the activity of the solar plexus chakra!

or, think about how some ancient cultures have claimed that the heart is the center of love, and how that symbol is still in used today! this is in relation to the heart chakra, but blah blah blah, this post has been going on for long enough and I wanna get on to other things. :grin:

anyway, there are loads of ways of balancing your chakras and energizing them. There’s nothing you have to do, but you may find that there are plenty of things you want to do, so if you wish, go ahead and pursue them!

some of the most basic ways is through lifestyle, certain foods help certain chakras (like, maybe I had such an active third eye chakra because of all the backyard raspberries I ate back then :tongue:)

through intuition you will naturally grow, and through self-review you may wish to change certain aspects of yourself, which will balance them out automatically.

different crystals and minerals have their own individual properties that work on chakras and the human energy field. I have found great enjoyment in crystal meditation, and note: this is not a question of belief for me! the energy that comes from clean quartz crystals is very tangible and real to one who looks for it, and I know from experience. the same goes for many other minerals, some that I have had fun experimenting with :wink: Quartz is a very good “all purpose” crystal that can work with all chakras and balance them out.

I experience the same tangibility within my own chakra system. When I feel energy trickle up my spine and blossom in my crown chakra while meditating and connecting with the bliss of the Divine, there is no question of belief; it’s a tangible experience. I experience them, as I feel them blossoming with energy, as very real parts of of my body, albeit subtle parts, unlike the physical organs and glands that they correspond with.

this is a very pure technique :

make it a relaxed effort, or it might harm ,

inhale, exhale,
normal nose breathing

with your next inhale, blow out of your mouth like you are blowing out a candle,
all your air, in a fairly robust manner ,

now, suck it all back in through the mouth,

now, blow it all out again ,

then, inhale through the nose, and hold your breath a few moments, you should feel a lot of energy,
breath normally, and play with this ,

but it is very very strong, and if you inhale or exhale with the mouth, with too much force, you can harm yourself,

you might pump air in and out like a train 2-3-4 times in a row, before pausing on the nose inhale, depending on how much prana you want to bring in.

prana = oxygen movements,
chi = 2nd chakra energy,
kundalini ,
spiritual fire,
prana can be converted into the elemental energies by using the fingers

but prana is NOT the same as chi, some people say so, is not!

:eek: Cool! This actually could make sense to me! :grin:

I mean it does feel close to that forehead preassure I had. And now that I think of it, it alos feels like that… “thing” you feel in your chest when you see or think of a loved one :smile:

interesting, to say the least.

I have no idea if I’ve ever “felt” the other chakras, though… no idea how that would be like. (any ideas?)

I also like to take tests just for the fun of it :happy:

And thanks for all the replies!


in fact, for people who have undergone some sort of radical upliftment in their heart chakra, there can be an all-pervading and just about euphoric sense of love within them! What I’m describing is more like a spiritual milestone, I believe.

anyway, as far as everyday chakra feelings go, another example that I can think of is sexuality, which can be associated with the first and second chakras.

for now, here’s a quote from this.

Whenever I read about them online the website speaks mainly about what the chakra is, what colors and body parts are associated, and what it means if that particular chakra is underactive, overactive, or balanced. Like any organ, they often go about their business without much attention from us, usually not coming into direct focus unless one is working with them in a meditative state for whatever reason.

I’ve had spontaneous experiences with many of them, although the lower ones more seldom, and feelings in the throat chakra are seldom as well.

mostly, and for meditative reasons, I deal with the heart, brow, and crown…

as for the crown, I read once that it doesn’t really have an issue with “imbalances” like the others, either it’s open at this point in a person’s spiritual evolution or not, and can be open in varying degrees. So, a person with a closed crown chakra is a person who is closed off to spirituality,

when it’s partially open it can be about the size of the others, but I’ve read that in very developed individuals it can encompass the entire head above the hairline, and is called “the thousand petaled lotus”

this is where the halo around the heads of saints and dieties comes from in religious paintings; I’ve noted this in both paintings dealing with Hinduism and Christianity.

matter of factly the halo is real

what i wonder is are there beings that would have an actual physical halo around them ?

means light

the light is so bright that they have been depicted with halos to try to convey this understanding !

everyone has a crown chakra but only the enlightened have this discernible light.

You say there are different kinds of energy but don’t you think that they’re pretty much all the same I mean in it’s purest form it is just ENERGY.

in its purest form it is energy

moving down the pyramid it becomes more faceted and numerous in variety as it becomes more physical

So what is the difference in them?

Is it the way it is harnessed? How it affect us? How t feels? or what?

well i wonder :

are there different types of enlightenment ?

there are many great supreme mantras in hinduism and buddhism, that will produce a supreme result of liberation and power , yet they have sooo many different flavors,

is there a most high state ?
there are mantras that will make you full of joy
there are mantras that will cause you to exist outside of your body
there are mantras that are lunar, and solar, and and and and
that’s just mantras,

what is the great secret of the universe ? what is the great secret of radical joy and freedom ?

even if, you spend your life meditating with the gyan mudra, vs the cosmic mudra, vs any other mudra, your experience changes,

there is pragmatically the lighting of the crown chakra, signifying enligthenment, which seems to be a constant , but beyond this, the expressions of this light, are endless ?


"are there different types of enlightenment? "

It depends on how you define enlightenment.

Society tends to condition people to believe that enlightened individuals have to act a certain way, that they will appear in a certain fashion. For example, not caring for physical well being.

Enlightenment means being aware of your potential, which inevitably leads to a full use of that potential, a lasting contentment and satisfaction, a feeling of bliss, and most of all, a genuine desire to help.

Each being is different, whether they are enlightened or not.

When you ‘gain enlightenment’, you become an open channel for your deepest aspect, which is the whole universe.

That is why enlightened individuals may appear to be similar, in their actions, behavior, goals, etc… But they may also be quite different. The fact two beings are aware of their potential should not, do not, make them appear the same. Appearance is just a relative manifestation.

In reality, everything is one and the same.

"is there a most high state ? "

At least, not anything that you might even begin to comprehend.

Indeed, enlightenment brings a perfected quality to life here. But every end is a new beginning and the fact someone reaches his peak here does not he has nowhere to go. There are always other systems to make sure you continue evolving.

"what is the great secret of the universe ? what is the great secret of radical joy and freedom ? "

Inhale, exhale.

Let Go