why do people think like sheeple? well ok, take a moment to relax and think back on your life’s entirety, so much feelings have been felt, places been or not been, people talked to, food you remember your mother making for you. now stop and think about your next door neighbor, he shares the anomaly of life the same as you, he/she’s done what they’ve done in life and its all shaped them to be the person they are this very second. truely think about all the people in this world, it makes you feel soo small yet you realize your own possibilites shoot to the sky once you transcend who your trying to be. if you felt like going to work naked would you do it or think “no way people would be like WTF!” do they not also look in the mirror at their bodies feeling self-conscience? we cover up with clothes because why? because its not normal? this is along the lines of who’s crazy who’s not. from our very inner self outward, we look for certain speech, clothing and goods to deal with the everlasting chaos which occupies real time. true chaos isn’t people who have no law and order so they mug others and start fires in the street, no, chaos is the friction between yourself and this world which cannot be fully understood, so yes this potent mental situation can indeed lead to an individual acting out at others even himself, (drugs, /wrists, wtever…) does this make him bad because he’s come to a conclusion on life after years of struggle that may be the only realiable insight he’s gained through his unique path? i don’t think so, to understand why people kill takes a wise equal person.
“But maybe I got your message wrong. I think that being lucid can be achieved IRL, but from my experience, and it quote what you said before, when someone interacts with me, I feel like I’m in a ND, and not lucid, I feel like I don’t have the power, I feel like, “what does he wants me to do and will I have to do it, or can I avoid it”, it’s as simple as that. When I’m lucid, I feel like I’m the master, and it’s obvious I am in my dreamworld.”
so on one hand you do believe you can be lucid IRL, but on the other you’ve realized that when your approached or wtever it goes away, am i right? well you got caught up in chaos, you let the movement of objects and sound transcend your SC and have it wake up your ego to have “Colors” responed to the situation instead of keeping that feelgood sensation of the SC still while you respond to this person with the same level of comfort you would with a DC.
“But IRL, it’s really hard. I had some epiphanies when I was in front of a beautiful landscape, or when something really out of the ordinary happened to me. But most of the time, IRL nothing out of the ordinary happens, and you can’t convince yourself that in a boring day, you could have feel like in the lucid state.”
so ok, im a baby in the womb, outside is a medical room i have never seen, infact ive never seen anything on this earth before. ive gained some sort of coma-like conscienceness of this black void, ive been in here awhile tho i cant call this ordinary because i don’t know unordinary and this is all i know. now i sleep in a crip in a room ive been placed in, im more conscience of things now, i recognize when i see new things. im older now, ive been to a school, been to a city, and the more i see and get used to the more i pass things off as ordinary when once i found the flicking of my finger a wonderful display of movement from the slender device.
everything in the chaos of real time has certain unique features that is in no way ordinary. don’t take anything for granted.
also i think someone can be completely interested in something yet still fail to understand. i see interest as a catalyst to greater things.
thank you and if any questions please ask.