
I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread (forgive me if there already was one) for sharing those breakthroughs you have when you reach a new level of understanding (I suppose any topic would be cool to hear about, but specifically about LDing :tongue: ). While epiphanies can be highly personal, and likely not all need be shared, sometimes reading a new perspective and the before and after can help people start good habits early and learn as others learn. That being said, I had one while walking tonight that I’d like to share:

Ok, usually when I think about LDing - and I can feel my brain wanting to do this right now as I type - I have a special area in my brain all about LDing that I access. The rest of my brain doesn’t seem like my LDing mind. My epiphany is, that now when I’m thinking about LDing, I’ll consider thinking about it in the ‘rest/non-LDing’ part and hope that I can bridge the gap. If I can have my normal, everyday mind function alongside my LDing mind, have them become the same mind (and hope I still know up from down!), then the mind that enters dreaming will be prepared and fluent in the nature of LDing.

I hope this helps, this is really profound for me right now, I feel like I can change what was a pitfall into an advantage, and that’s a darn good feeling!

(man wish i wasnt typing on a ps3)

good idea for a thread, and thats great what youve now learnt. and to me its interesting because if my under standing about your everyday mind is right, then that would mean you want what i have and i want what you have. if your everyday mind enables how you interact with others and being your extaverted self, than thats the spot i need to fill the gap to. and in your case from the sound of it, you want to access and bridge over to the esoteric side of things, the facts and building blocks of reality; because i think today was the day you realized that those to sides of you in harmony can make you a powerful guy, in both a LD and yes, WL.

just my observations…

also i want to add ( because this is amazing timing for this thread ) that i was practicing what you mentioned at work today, for the longest periods of time so far. i was inducing a dream-like state that kept me soo calm and i got strong sensations that i could do anything, punch holes in walls, you name it. and what also happens is the light gets heavier, glowish at times, more bearable to the eye, and objects look like they face the possibility of melting. i love it, i wish i could always remain in that state but when people interact with you in whatever way they will, or something suddenly bumps you on the shoulder, it forces you to fight for that lucidity that you once had as a child. unfortunately it usually pulls you out of it like to much excitement pulls you from a LD, but thats why it takes patience. with patience it should happen on its own.

I actually got an epiphany the other day after a LD. Now I don’t exactly remember how I got from the LD to the epiphany :lol: I guess it was a mixture of rational and non-rational thinking/feeling during and after the LD.

Anyway, I realized I’ve been feeling there was still a part of me (my SC, I guess) that I needed to convince. I thought my SC didn’t know or want that I had amazing LD’s everynight. What I realized was the my SC knows and accepts my LD’ing wishes so who was I trying to convince?? I think my conscious mind was trying to convince my conscious mind, and that doesn’t make the slightest sense! I got to the conclusion that in this case it’s not a matter of convincing myself (because I already know I want to LD :tongue:) it’s a matter of accepting it. The conscious mind thinks it has to do something (just like when it won’t stop talking in your head when you’re trying to meitate, it thinks it will stop existing if it doesn’t do anything.)

I’ve had a good number of LD’s but still was blocked somehow. I know I know how to LD and what was blocking me was the fact that I thought there was some kind of convincing left to do, or learning how to LD. Instead I should simply DO IT. As the DC in that LD told me “don’t think or feel, just do it!” (regarding LD’s and WL)

Anyway, it’s not that simple to pass on the idea :tongue: it’s much of a wordless understanding that came with my subjective experience.

This idea I had is sort of like the Lucid Living thread:

When in RL, sometimes, when I remember to, I try and mimic the feeling of realizing I’m in a dream, but pertain it to my RL. As in waking up from RL. The feeling can be very similar, however arbitrary and subject to my own will it is, and it seems to help the aha! moment be not so strange and mysterious.


sup all,

i was logging off of this school computer (time is 12:11am fyi), but i thought of something that’s been improving my habits as of late and i think it might pertain well to dreaming/LDing.

i was talking with an older professor at my university (RL) and we were talking about solving problems and teaching yourself things to become a better (in our case) physicist. one thing that he said that really stuck out to me was respect the integrity of the subject. and he’s right; the subject does have a certain integrity and when i approach problems, in a certain sense, honoring the subject, things are much easier.

i don’t know exactly what this entails as far as dreaming, but i think it’s something along the lines that dreams shouldn’t be taken for granted. the dreams/dreaming life has a certain integrity of it’s own, and going with the grain of this inherent integrity may make one a more fluid dreamer.

yes, somewhat quasi-philosophical, but noticing the inherent integrity of physics helped me see it in a new light and i imagine it’d do the same for dreams.


[/i] I think you had me pegged wrong, Mourning, so I didn’t really have a response, but I reread and…I don’t have problems thinking about the building blocks of reality and stuff. If you read the above post, I’m studying physics right now, so I actually do it a lot and like doing it, it’s why I picked the major. But I’m not totally convinced that science has or even can have a true picture of reality. My problem is more I think like what mattias was saying:

Except for me, I don’t know that my SC knows and accepts my LD’ing wishes. A lot of times, it feels going against the grain, like I really don’t want to be doing something good for myself and I have a tough time imagining myself having a lot of LDs. It’s like I want to/expect to fail at it, but I find the idea of it interesting so I try it, but I feel like part of me is trying to sabotage the effort.

I’ve been thinking recently of starting a thread along the lines of ‘LDing when you don’t like yourself’, because I think it’s a real issue. Like I like that a lot of other people have a lot of LDs, but I don’t know if I like myself well enough to hope for them for myself. Caution to the wind, I’ll start this thread in a second…

Whoah this is cool-it says you posted on the 28th sunday but on my clock its 9:30p.m 27th. Different time zones probably. Anyway…

A moment when I had a great breakthrough was when I realized I would get nowhere in life by not doing anything useful, so thats when I started huge amounts of extracurricular activities; math, swimming, martial arts, community service, etc.

yeah…i agree with that. you gotta find an outlet that lets you create stuff and help people. i read a book by this physicist Fred Alan Wolf and he says something along the lines like “the universe will help you out and show you incredible things but you gotta get outta your house and work for it.”

I guess I have had more breakthroughs during the previous year than any other time. The biggest breakthrough was when I realized that self-effort is the only thing in life that pays.

yeah. self-teaching tends to stick, especially when you have to invent to get results

I agree :content: I find that when something is of my own doing, and all on my own, I feel more accomplished as a person.

yeah, that’s sort of a very unique, very human, very “i can do things” feeling. it’s good to come by :colgate:

(i know ive said this before…)
since grade8 to to grade 12 to now ive been having certain epiphanines about life you would expect older adults to have (this was an epiphany in itself), but maybe a couple months ago i was looking at my yearbook, just looking at all these faces that belong to personalities i never bothered to know. while doing this, i pointed my highly developed perception (because travel via perception was all i have, due to the fact that i have unknowingly my own identity on hold while others discovered theirs) on myself (which i often do because if not, my whole logic would go to hell and id be more blind than ever to exclude myself as a seperate specimen), and certain planets aligned and i woke up to a newer updated reality that revealed the previous as a dream.

so now after finding that i HAD been blind, blind to the fact that my knowing far overthrew my heart. it was deppressing and dark but in the end it gave me a clearer veiw of what i had to do, which was and is… GROW A DAMN HEART! do things with out thinking, ive known for too long how and why things happen in a language coded to the human soul, i have to flourish now in art, reading/writing, exersice etc, i know this sounds soo obvious but to actually do this full out is an acheivement because this stuff if timeless my friends. realize who and what is holding you back everyday from doing exactly what you would do if you were in a dream, is it time? thats a big one right - wrong, time stands still for the unconsience mind, for the sub-consience it can be flicked on or off or turned dim. this is what art is for, wrap your head around it, our civilization is so rushed to uphold its own purchases and cravings. one bank goes down and how many people are screwed!? don’t involve yourself in the everyday cesspool of governmental junk more than you must, if you need a license plate fine, a drivers license fine, if you even need a car at all. all it is is an illusion that your helpless with out the cities were the jobs rest aswell as the money. you guys are smart i know you see this, but millions dont see it so clear. master an art, put the message and wonder in it, and make the world look at the truth.

excuse my rant. phew

:yes: , very cool

why do you think the majority of people think like that ?

Because we would end up in a whole society who only want to do what it wants. This means chaos for everyone. It’s good when we think of people like you and me, who want to achieve great things, who want to understand who they are better, and everything.

But maybe I got your message wrong. I think that being lucid can be achieved IRL, but from my experience, and it quote what you said before, when someone interacts with me, I feel like I’m in a ND, and not lucid, I feel like I don’t have the power, I feel like, “what does he wants me to do and will I have to do it, or can I avoid it”, it’s as simple as that. When I’m lucid, I feel like I’m the master, and it’s obvious I am in my dreamworld.

But IRL, it’s really hard. I had some epiphanies when I was in front of a beautiful landscape, or when something really out of the ordinary happened to me. But most of the time, IRL nothing out of the ordinary happens, and you can’t convince yourself that in a boring day, you could have feel like in the lucid state.

It’s all about “Interest”, don’t you think ?

why do people think like sheeple? well ok, take a moment to relax and think back on your life’s entirety, so much feelings have been felt, places been or not been, people talked to, food you remember your mother making for you. now stop and think about your next door neighbor, he shares the anomaly of life the same as you, he/she’s done what they’ve done in life and its all shaped them to be the person they are this very second. truely think about all the people in this world, it makes you feel soo small yet you realize your own possibilites shoot to the sky once you transcend who your trying to be. if you felt like going to work naked would you do it or think “no way people would be like WTF!” do they not also look in the mirror at their bodies feeling self-conscience? we cover up with clothes because why? because its not normal? this is along the lines of who’s crazy who’s not. from our very inner self outward, we look for certain speech, clothing and goods to deal with the everlasting chaos which occupies real time. true chaos isn’t people who have no law and order so they mug others and start fires in the street, no, chaos is the friction between yourself and this world which cannot be fully understood, so yes this potent mental situation can indeed lead to an individual acting out at others even himself, (drugs, /wrists, wtever…) does this make him bad because he’s come to a conclusion on life after years of struggle that may be the only realiable insight he’s gained through his unique path? i don’t think so, to understand why people kill takes a wise equal person.

“But maybe I got your message wrong. I think that being lucid can be achieved IRL, but from my experience, and it quote what you said before, when someone interacts with me, I feel like I’m in a ND, and not lucid, I feel like I don’t have the power, I feel like, “what does he wants me to do and will I have to do it, or can I avoid it”, it’s as simple as that. When I’m lucid, I feel like I’m the master, and it’s obvious I am in my dreamworld.”

so on one hand you do believe you can be lucid IRL, but on the other you’ve realized that when your approached or wtever it goes away, am i right? well you got caught up in chaos, you let the movement of objects and sound transcend your SC and have it wake up your ego to have “Colors” responed to the situation instead of keeping that feelgood sensation of the SC still while you respond to this person with the same level of comfort you would with a DC.

“But IRL, it’s really hard. I had some epiphanies when I was in front of a beautiful landscape, or when something really out of the ordinary happened to me. But most of the time, IRL nothing out of the ordinary happens, and you can’t convince yourself that in a boring day, you could have feel like in the lucid state.”

so ok, im a baby in the womb, outside is a medical room i have never seen, infact ive never seen anything on this earth before. ive gained some sort of coma-like conscienceness of this black void, ive been in here awhile tho i cant call this ordinary because i don’t know unordinary and this is all i know. now i sleep in a crip in a room ive been placed in, im more conscience of things now, i recognize when i see new things. im older now, ive been to a school, been to a city, and the more i see and get used to the more i pass things off as ordinary when once i found the flicking of my finger a wonderful display of movement from the slender device.

everything in the chaos of real time has certain unique features that is in no way ordinary. don’t take anything for granted.

also i think someone can be completely interested in something yet still fail to understand. i see interest as a catalyst to greater things.

thank you and if any questions please ask.

well…is there no reaction to this in terms of questioning or in defence to your statement?

Wow Mourningstarr, that was the most insightful post I’ve ever read on a message board. I’m gonna find your other posts now.

well thanks for your kind words Prashn, and you could always stop by my Observatory in the creation sector, i update regularly.

also 70 is a great number of LDs good work.

Yeah I’ll check it out Mourningstarr.

Thanks for the compliment, but that’s 6 years worth of dreams that had chances to be LD’s, since I started trying 6 years ago.