Erratic counting when WILDing

I decided to use the counting method when attempting WILD, and I noticed that I started counting more and more erratically as I came closer to WILD. I almost achieved it. I let my excitement run away with me and woke up again. I am quite happy with my progress.

Has anyone else experienced erratic counting as they approach lucidity?

Thats one of my problems i have with WILDing, is that it gets so erratic, i forget where i was and lose consciecness, ive been trying to figure out a way to fix it, but i cant figure out how too :confused:

absolutely, the part of your brain involved in such activities is not very well functioning in sleep.

it’s the same reason why generally text is hard to read.

This makes counting a good WILD method if you’re on the brink of sleep because it requires some focus to remember what comes after 12… or even remember what number you were counting at all.

the trick is learning the right pacing of your counts.
it might start out like 1 2 3 4 real fast.

but when you zone out you’re like “huh where was I?” that’s when you need to count really slow like

as time slips away.

I alternate each number with two alternating affirmations relating to LD. That way everytime I hit an even ten, twenty, etc. if I don’t come to the same affirmation, I at least become aware that I’m drifting.



Yes, it’s very common. I don’t know exactly what to do when I reach this state. If I make my mind clearer so that I count well, I lose the sensation of falling asleep… :sad: