Ok, I had a really strange experience about a year or so ago, before I even knew about LDs or anything. I was like twelve I think. Well, I CANNOT figure out why it happened or what it means…Here goes…
My dream was of me and my best friend Chelsea standing in her bedroom. She shut the door, like she always does. THen she showed me a large drawing. It was one I had never seen. (She draws anime things) and the picture was of a huge room, with three large windows from floor to ceiling, and a little guy in the bottom left corner, painting a picture of a pinkish red flower…I woke up from the dream and I forgot it. Then a few weeks later, I was talking to her about the drawing she had shown me, and how good it was…
But then she said, “No, that picture is still all the way in Nevada with my dad…” and I thought that of course she made a mistake in remembering, but no she hadn’t! That summer she saw it (she goes all the way out to Nevada to visit her dad every summer) in her bedroom in Nevada, and it was EXACTLY what I saw in my dream. It was also rather old, and she had drawn it before I had ever met her, though the dream was after I met her.
This is weird. I can’t figure out what it is. Is this common? My parents can’t say anything about it, I think they don’t know. Please help! 
Wrong… Forum?
In any case, the subconscious is a magnificent thing. Are you certain there was no instance in time where you even might have been exposed to the picture? You say it was made before you met her, so… has it always been physically distant from you? I would guess that even if you’ve had a chance to see it in the past (even if you don’t actually remember seeing it), then there’s a good chance that you got a glimpse of it, never remembered, and decided to dredge it up one long, boring night during a dream.
Ok yeah I have no idea if this is the right forum…I just thought it was about a dream so it would go in here. I have no idea, so sorry…
but anyway, I know for sure I have never seen it, I’ve never even been to Nevada and she’s never taken it out of her room in Nevada because the paper is too big and she can’t fit it into a suitcase without folding it, and she refuses to fold it…yeah. That’s all. 
It’s a long shot but maybe the answer could be psychological. That is if i got it right that SHE made the picture. In that case maybe it is very symbolic of something in her personality that you picked up on subconsciously and was able to recreate this symbolic image in the dream. But really I think it’s just as far fetched as ESP. and. in fact. maybe it is.
Of course it’s the right forum. It seems to be a marvelous example of remote viewing in dreams. Remote viewing is when you can see remote things you didn’t know before.
This is not so common but it may happen sometimes. It happened to me twice. Of course, it’s not recognized nor explained by mainstream science and it’s still considered as “paranormal”. You don’t need any help. If it happens once every ten years, you even can feel happy.
I think my situation just got a little weirder. I talked to Chelsea on the phone yesterday. I was talking to her about the picture, confirming that I had NEVER seen it. But then she explained how she remembered showing it to me in her bedroom, in the exact way I dreamed it. The only solution to this is that we both had the same dream. We puzzled over it for a long time. She is going to bring back the picture from Nevada when she comes back this time. I already know what it looks like, but she will anyway.
I don’t believe in ESP, probably because I don’t understand it at all. I know there’s a reason for everything, I just think it’s weird that this happened to me. Any information or help that someone can give would be great, because I am completely lost.
I think this is proof for Shared Dreams. A simple explanation is that you both had a shared dream. While most would doubt it, I think it’s a solution to the mystery that… or you both had a precognitive dream, after all, she’ll be showing you the drawing soon. Maybe you dreamt with the future scene?
Yes, I thought that I could have been seeing the future, but I’m not sure. Her family is moving to a new house the day she gets back, so I don’t know…but it is possible. Well, thanks for the help all. If anyone else wants to put their two cents in, by all means, do…
You should make a drawing of what you’ve seen and compare it then with Chelsea’s picture. Perhaps they are not similar at all.
I’ve a possible explanation. Chelsea could have talked once about this drawing but she couldn’t of course show it to you. When you had this dream, you remembered this discussion.
And Rodrigo, we can’t say it’s a proof for SD’ing when it’s just about NaturalRed’s supposition that Chelsea’s memory was indeed a dream! Chelsea and NaturalRed may have not such good memories of what happened, cause it was not very important at the moment when it occured.
Thank you for the help Mr. West and I will definately draw a picture of what I saw, even though I absolutely stink in the art category. But oh well, I’ll do it anyway and I’ll compare it to hers when she gets here.
I am almost positive that she did not tell me about the picture, it doesn’t seem like her…She has drawn hundreds of different pieces, and she forgets about a lot of them. This one was in her bedroom about five states away, and she doesn’t really have a good memory. Heh…well it’s a possibility and I’ll ask her if she recalls any conversation of the sort, and Thank you!
hey natural red
i had a very simillar experiance.
it goes like this :-
once i had a dream that near the computer lab in my school there was a new stair-case and under it there was a room, it had a small window.
in reality there is no stair-case like that
about 2 months since my dream there was some construction activity going on in my school - in was a new stair case, at that time it didn’t occour to me that i had already dreamt about it.
later when the construction was almost over as i was going to my class, i was directly walking towards the stair-case and suddenly it struck me that i had dreamt ok it (it completely freaked me out- it looked just the way i had dreamt it…except for the color of the glass on the window)
i think it was ESP since i have a lot of them, most of them are unbelieaveable.
i some times predict deaths, accdients etc.
But still i think that(ur experiance was WOW strange!!!)
Excuse me but what is ESP ?
ESP=extrasensory perception (telepathy, claivoyance, precognition, remote viewing, etc.)
E.S.P is extra sensory perception some call it 6th sense

What do you think of remote viewing ?
I read somewhere that you can imagine thing while your sleeping in your closed eyes and I heard for OBE.
What is really remote viewing ?