Ever been shot in a dream? part II

Hehe, sounds to me like you’ve been watching Old School featuring:
Luke Wilson
Will Ferrell
Vince Vaughn
Ellen Pompeo
Jeremy Piven you know what part I’m talking about… YES!

I was once shot at. It didn’t hurt much, nor was it frieghtening, but it was very concerning. It felt as if somone made my nerves in that area unable to transfer pain, and then slowly turned them back up.

I shot myself in the head in a LD. I didnt hear the gun go off, and I ask the DC I was with he he did, and he said yae. I didnt feel anything.

I got shot once, it felt ockward. It was not a nice feeling, but I thought is was nice. It was weird… :eh:

I was shot and I died in a ND. The bullets didnt hurt and when I died I just “spawned” again, just like in video games! :eh:

I’ve had many weird stuff done to me in my dreams. I’ve been shot in the head before, and when it happened my vision went red and everything felt extremely weird… it’s hard for me to explain it.

Another time I had my head cut open vertically and the two pieces just fell in opposite directions, but it was really disturbing because I could still feel both sides of my head even though they were separated.

Oh, also one of the most disturbing dreams I can remember was that I was playing a game where I had to run from a wolf, and every time the wolf caught me, my left ball would hurt really bad. It was so relieving to wake up.

I’ve been shot in a dream. It was in this parking lot and I was with my mom and there were these very sketchy looking gangster guys with clown faces. They came up to me and I told my mom to leave and then they shot me. I describe the pain as a muffled pain, because it hurt and felt like I was dying, but I didn’t fully feel the pain 'cause it was a dream. My vision just faded to black as I collapsed onto the pavement.

A bit grim, but DAMN those clowns. I hate clowns.

yes I have…my head has been blown off…I was stabbed up…shot about 28 different times and I still lived. I actually felt pain in that dream too.

I had one once.

ND: I was on the ground tied up or something and the gunman shot me in the neck. It felt like my neck was paper getting punched in but it didn’t hurt at all. was wierd.

LD: Also there was the time I used a gun and it looked real but made just a popping sound when I fired it

I got shot over twenty times in one dream. Everyone in my school was trying to kill me. I was mostly successful at evading them, but took two shots from a few snipers. It felt more nauseating than anything else. Snapped, their necks, ran away, blah, blah, blah. Then, I’m holding a lightsaber and get attacked by about 15 battle droids. I manage to destroy a few before they open fire, but soon, it gets really painful.

Only knocked me out, though.

wow, okay i know this should be merged with an existing topic but i can’t find it now so here it is… :truit: Look better next time, but merged it for you now :content: :sandra:

i was recently shot twice by a carjacker in a dream, i felt all warm and woke up slowly. i was still really warm when i woke up, and i was sweating heavily.

Weird huh, anybody else have experiences being shot?

some guy was shooting at me and i was dying(atleast i thought) but I was happy to be dying, only to see if theres and afterlife ofc, no depression problems here. Once i hit the floor i realized i wasn’t dead :razz:.

I had a weird dream after reading the book Johnny Tremain. I was running across a Revolutionary War battlefield (without a weapon… stupid me :grrr: ), and I took a nice whack to the face from the butt of someone’s rifle. I looked up to see my friend’s mom stepping on my chest, just before she shot me in the stomach. I woke up with a weird burning sensation where I was hit… weird, eh?

Just last night Don Knotts was shooting at me and yelling “We don’t want you inbreds teaching here!”.

No i’m not inbred.

I was once shot in a dream. Despite the distinct feeling of something heavy and leaden in my side nothing happened. I think I spent a fair bit of time wandering around, being rather surprised that I had survived the shot, as I have a fair grasp of human anatomy and knew the wound to be mortal (but that’s dreams for you). It’s only happened to me once though, and I think the shot was from an old fashioned musket or somesuch.

I’ve only been stabbed. Oh, also attacked by a hobo with a hatchet once.

Hm, is there a topic ‘ever been stabbed by a gang of degraded chavs’?
In my dream, at first I didn’t realize what has just happened and then my whole life just flashed in a second, just like they say…

And errm, shooting… I seem to be bulletproof in my dreams, or either my dream characters don’t know how to use a gun well. Either way I’ve never been shot.

they can’t seem to hit me. But i also can’t hit others :razz: Maybe it’s because i don’t believe in voilence :wink:

I am surpirsed that I never noticed this topic before…

Actually shot with bullet and gun? No, can’t say that’s happened.

Nearest experience would be one time I was being trained by a very very old looking man on how to avoid projectiles. He was using pine needles from trees and throwing them very quickly. I was dodging them as best I could but some of them hit me. The feeling of getting hit by mulitple little needle points at once was annoying.

Like pain in most of my dreams it was a numb, abstract, feeling that didn’t really hurt that much. It was still a noticeable distraction to the dream world so it was eventually nice to learn how to avoid projectiles like that.

I have been shot in a dream too. It was an awkward feeling of being injected with a pretty sized object but it was not really painful, horrible, scary or any such thing… the experience itself was quite interesting at the time, although it did feel unpleasant. And it sort of initiated confusion. It was like I lost most control, but not all. At the end you do not want to feel such ache. It is disturbing, and drags you down. :razz: