Ever been shot?

I shot myself in a dream once, in the chest. I didn’t feel anything at all - I think I might’ve been dead before the bullet even hit me. :tongue: I heard the gunshot, though. Other than that, I’ve been threatened with a gun a few times, but the would-be shooter always hesitates long enough for me to take their gun away from them.

Not shot, but I’ve been ‘Nuked on’ a couple of times.
It wasn’t a pleasant experience heheh

Been shot a couple of times. Wasnt really scary at all

I got shot in a dream a week ago.
I was at a party, and I felt someone poking me in the back. I didn’t know that it was a gun, so I started walking towards the exit. Then I was shot through the spine. I fell to the floor, and my body went totally numb.

While I was writing this dream down, I realized that I hadn’t woken up yet, and pushed the pencil through the palm of my hand.

Haven’t been shot yet as far as I can recall just now … but I have beaten someone to death (just last night actually).

Don’t worry, I wasn’t Lucid… i’d never want to do a thing like that it was quite horrid though in the dream it was probably just a way of getting a character out of the scene.

I once got shot in a dream, and I was freaked out so much I woke up

Being shot in a dream was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since I have been shot and died in a dream, I am not afraid of death. I do not have to worry about trying to live as long as I can. Its not like I go around trying to get killed, I just embrace the cycle of life.

haven’t shot ennyone but i’ve been stabbed twice since the start of my lucid dreaming “career”
before that i’ve been crushed by “the end of the world”(some sort of slow-moving meteorites that occured at the destruction of earth, dunno what it was about:P)

but it didn’t actually hurt me, nor did they instantly wake me up or make me lucid, the last stabbing kept bleeding tho…

:happy: YEA it was awsome…some gay girl was shooting me in my driveway but i dodged everyone of them then i found my own gun and shot her in the leg :lol:

I got shot in a dream duel once, I wasn’t very experienced and the combination of pain and shock woke me up.

I’ ve been blown up by a nuclear bomb in a dream once. It was quite a weird sensation- when the blastwave hit me, everything went black. I felt like I was curled up tight in a fetal position on the floor, and then tipped over on my side.

whenever i get hit by a bullet,i never notice it cuz something more interesting is always happening lol.

i know it seems like a waste, but i was curious; i basically after acheiving a state of lucidity made a gun appear in my gun, swall the gun towards teh end of my mouth, and fire… i woke up immediatly and it felt like my whole body fell asleep for like 4 seconds… it was cool… but then agian kinda scary too.

Wow… what did it feel like? Did you see the nuke coming?

I had a dream about a nuclear apocalypse once too. I was rinning away from the blast (like that would help lol) but didnt feel any effects.

Recently ive had a couple of dreams when i was carrying a gun or running away from gunmen etc etc which is a bit odd…

Nukes are powerful images, it’s no wonder we dream about them. Some time ago, I and a bunch of others had to flee into the sea when a nuke detonated. Three people were left on the beach, you could see them explode into flames when the blast hit them. :bored:

[color=darkblue]:)… I was in a military base and a load of guys in turquoise boiler suits were running around like crazy brandishing makarovs! :nuu:

I got shot a few times- it didn’t hurt, it was more of the shock of it than anything. I fell to the floor, closed my eyes and felt everything fading… I really thought I was dying :cool_laugh:

I woke up instead… [/color]

I can think of two dreams where I got shot. The first one’s a really old one. I remember being shot in the head. Like, I could literally feel the side of my head was missing. I was lying on the ground, immobile, and it didn’t really hurt. I think I was dead, but I was conscious. It was weird. I’m pretty sure I woke up shortly after being shot.

My second getting shot in a dream story involves a dream about the ninja turtles. It wasn’t in cartoon or anything. Did any of you watch the show back in the days? Anyway, the turtles were attacked and I took cover around the corner, but I ran into one of those orange rock soilders. He shot at me with his machine gun and I couldn’t run much further after that.

I got hit in the chest, right above my right breast. I remember sitting with my back to a cement wall, keeping my right hand clutched to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but I could tell it was fatal. So then Michelangelo (the orange turtle) ran up to me while the others were busy fighting, and he was really panicking. :nuu: He pressed his hand to the wound, and after a few seconds he just exclaimed in horror,

“Oh my god! Your heart’s stopped!”

Even though I was halfdead, I still managed to mutter, “The heart’s on the other side, Einstein.”:crazy:

I was shot on the right side, and as everyone knows, the heart is located a little to the left. After that, I pretty much bled to death and woke up.

Hmm… the closest thing I remember to being shot was this one dream where I’m in this museum with my dad, and he’s taking these blunt copper nails and pounding them into my spine to hold some papers up on my back. I could actually feel the nails pound into my skin and through my vertabre. It didn’t hurt, but it felt really wierd!

I’ve been shot many times in many dreams.

In one dream I met the parallel version of myself, my shadow. He first shot me up with needles and drugs. He then shot me 44 times in the heart and 33 times in the head as I was high on drugs in my dream.

I also had a dream once I was Kennedy waving my hand around on a parade as I was mysteriously shot dead. I soon saw myself dead in the third view and felt dissapointed I didn’t finish the parade.

I dreamed I stood on the edge of this cliff at the top of the world trade center. I aimed the gun at my head and shot myself as an attempt of suicide. As I fell off the building I was dead as my soul left my body I was soon falling not into the streets of New York, but falling into a lake of fire in the depths of hell. (I then wook up 9:11am eastern time, 6:11am my time when I lived on the west coast. Day of 9/11 2001)