Ever just look at what the people in your dreams are wearing? I don’t pay much attention to that type of thing in WL, but one of my goals was to improve my sense of fashion and color coordination. I was curious if I had a sense of fashion somewhere hidden inside, so I turned to my dreams and looked at my DCs. They wear some pretty unique stuff!
Ever look at what your DCs wear? I might recreate some of their clothes. Now that’d be something.
I don’t pay a lot of attention, but I can see what they wear. Due to my dreams taking place in school and such, they usually wear the usual hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, ect. I’ll try to pay more attention, though, as this is only one example I can remember.
All the people in my dreams wear very average stuff that i see every day. I’ve never seen anything unusual in the appearance of people in any of my dreams, although most of the time they act a lot differently then in wl.
Wow, I’ve never thought to notice what dream characters are wearing. In fact, I never even notice what I’m wearing in my dreams! I will try to pay more attention to clothes in dreams. That will give me some good details to include in my dream journal.
Last night, before I became lucid, I worked for Sandra Bullock (my favorite alive actress). I payed special attention to her outfit for some reason; proably because she was all dressed up real fancy. She was wearing a black blouse with a light pink thing in the front (really pretty) and a short, black pencil skirt. She looked so pretty!
I have a recurring DC who always wears my favourite colours. She dresses like she’s a clown-in-training with a little bit of hipster thrown in the mix. Most of my DCs are boring and unoriginal though, so I rarely notice what they’re wearing.
Once I had a LD where every single person I met was dressed like a goth wearing a rastafari hat. It was freaky.
My DCs’ always wear their routine clothes that they wear in RL. As do I. For example their wardrobes will alter from dream to dream but never actually be anything out of the ordinary. As for me I’m always in one of my routine shirts and a hoodie.
DCs in my dreams wear pretty typical stuff. I’ve bothered to pay attention to what I wear, especially since I once found a working mirror.
I usually wear my jacket and some black tracksuit pants. I also noticed that my hair is about twice as long during dreams and I appear older than in real life. I’m yet to work out why that is.
Normally when I really try to focus on something in my dreams it changes the moment I look away.
Normally my DCs all just wear average clothes you’d see a normal person on the street wear.
Me on the other hand. I can’t think of a single time in a dream where I have ever seen myself. When I look in mirrors, they are empty, when I look down, I see the ground, it’s like I have no body.
Sometimes I do, in one of the last dreams where I saw what DCs wear was a ND, but it doesn’t matter, so I was in a hospital, I was going to see my friend, and the funny thing, at the reception desk were two bald guys, they were exactly the same, like they were twins, and one of them was having a tattoo on his right hand, and they were in the same clothes like those latino gang members… And that didn’t make me suspicious…
I looked into a mirror and was wearing a jean jacket from my childhood, decided it looked good and walked out of the bathroom, looked down, jacket was gone. Made me lucid though!