Exhaustion + sleeping late + carbs + alcohol = LONG LDs!

Had the longest LD of my life this morning – it seemed to last an hour! :clap:

In reviewing my dream journal, it seems like the following factors are most likely to trigger not only VERY long REM periods but extremely vivid and long periods of lucidity. None of these factors are surprising, but I thought I’d share this combo:

  1. Exhaustion to where your body wants extra sleep and extra REM time.
  2. Chance to sleep later than usual.
  3. Carbs eaten LATE at night, within an hour of sleep.
  4. Alcohol consumed with the carb snack. Nothing heavy or extreme – one drink will do. In most cases, I’d had beer. (Another source of carbs.)

I know that any one of these factors can help induce LDs. Seems like a “stacked” approach can increase your LD chances.

As always, please be careful with alcohol consumption. Harm no one, including yourself.

Sounds like my school formal yesterday, i had some great dreams yesterday. I had all those conditions, plus a little ganja.

I’m not english (I CAN’T ENGLISH!!!)

so I was wondering what are carbs, I imagine its some kind of vitamin in food… steak?


use a dictionary to translate it to your own language, and search online for it. then u will know…

Or to save you the time:

Carbs are one of the three energy-sources (proteins, fats, carbs). Potatos, Noodles, Rice and stuff like that contain a lot of carbs. Sugar is also some form of carb.


Carbs become sugar eventually (plus fat, it is believed)…

Wonder if there is a connection?

Well, if this does work, I wouldn’t advise on you doing it to much. After all, it doesn’t mean you’ll certainly become lucid and it’s unhealthy.

The only unhealthy component of this formula is the alcohol, and like I said, be careful with alcohol consumption and harm no one, including yourself. I’m definitely not advising drinking on a daily basis.

But nothing wrong with being tired, or sleeping late, or eating a carb within an hour of bedtime. :smile:


I thought alcohol was only unhealthy in large amounts, or if you drink it every day, but 1 beer isnt unhealthy…

yeah…but think about having too much exhaustion every day…and having carbs late at night. carbs late at night…no good. and about the beer…not everybody drinks beer.

oh dont worry about the carbs unless you’re on a diet!!
Hehe I just had this drink of soda (no caffeine) you think that’s enough?
Maybe I should go get a potato… ooh i have ramen noodles. SWEET.

Vhalnyr- the correct way of putting it is “I CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH.”

Carbohydrate containing foods:
-Rice and Bread

I hope you get the idea from this list!