In a dream that I became lucid I made a door appear in the middle of no where (This is the first time I’ve tried this) and I was expecting Otto to come through… But 3 DCs came through (When they came through the door way was shining a golden light) and one told me that Otto didn’t want to come through for some reason… I thikn she said somehting about his tentacles (This is Otto Ocatvius from Spiderman 2)…
Have you ever had something like that happen before?
Happen in what way? If you mean similar situation, then no. If you mean that when you expect something in LD to happen and something else happens, then many times
I think there is something like subconsciousal expectations aswell.
Like i once read about someone who had a certain problem during their lucid dreams, and in the very next LD i had, i expected the exact same situation even though i never counsicousely thought about it.
Oh yeah! This has happened to me. Like in an LD, “When I open up this bag, there will be one million dollars in cash for me!” I open it up and the bag is full of buttons!
Oh yes. It happens to almost everyone. Don’t worry though things improve with practice. As you have more and more lucid dreams you will gain better control over them. However, no mater how good you get your dreams will still throw you a few curve balls now and then.
Yes, happened to me. Like I go into a room expecting to find a mirror inside, and I find a closet instead(but I did find a mirror in the next room). Or I call for my brother to appear, and his friend appears instead.
My brother once called his friend to appear, but instead a little boy(that my brother doesn’t know IRL) ran up to him and said:“it’s me!”
It happens to me always. It is very seldom that I really get what I want. I thought out some artifacts to help me to control dreams… Some pictures of the places I want to get to and other “magic” stuff. I have them (or their real-life copies) with me during the day, I know that they are in my pocket… But I almost never find them. Sometimes I find them in my room, where they are really at night, but never in the pocket or in the bag, where I expect them to be.
P.S. Maybe Otto is so famous and popular, that he became a real being somewhere in another plane? Then he might have been really busy.