2 nights ago i had a dream no real suprise there.
there was something odd about this dream though…
I cant remember anything about it EXCEPT the very end of it.
That’s pretty odd coz in the last 2mnths or so my dream recall has increased enormously! I couldnt remember hardly anything in the past.
Anyway, to get to the point, the only thing about the dream I remember is looking at a box. The box didnt seem out of place or anything wrong with it even though it WAS weird. It was weird coz, this is kinda hard to explain, it was kinda like a label was peeling off of it all by itself in a swirly kinda motion. It’s hard to explain… you know those cartoons of hippy things and it’s all swirly and it was in B/W.
Then, for absolutely no reason what so ever, I said to myself “I’m dreaming!!!” I couldnt believe it, I was concious of the fact I was in my dream and was about to tell myself to go and fly. So I say, just after telling myself it was a dream, “…Go fly!”
I remember taking off and then waking up
This is prob the best thing LD related that’s happened to me in a dream. I just have to take it further
It hasn’t happened since, but that’s coz i’ve only slept once since then and for some reason I just can’t get into the right state of mind when I sleep with my g’f oh well, tonight’s sleep is just an hr or so away
well, to those that read this post, cheers for takin the time to read and hopefully reply