I’d just like to some expereicne ld’ers, or new people, like me how long roughly lucid moments last?
Could you explain what you mean by lucid moments?
If you mean time that you spend lucid, if you become lucid, before you wake up/lose lucidity, it varies. At first you may not have any time at all before waking up, eventually it may span the entire length of the dream.
In addition, if you are talking about the length of a lucid dream, that also varies. One has been known to last 100 years (only 1 hour in RL). On average they will be normal length, but you may spend longer or shorter then normal amount of time in lucidity.
Hope I helped!
I’m a little confused, so, it felt like a hundred hours for him, but it was only 1 hour? Man that would be awesome.
100 years.
And yes, that would be awesome. I can only imagine how hard it would be to get used to living normally after living 100 years in a dreamworld though!
I know, you must hug everyone you see! Thinking you haven’t seen them in 100 years. Hm, I guess if you master it you can control it.
Don’t pay attention to this 100 years long LD. Generally, LD’s are in real time and they last from 5 seconds to 50 minutes, and their average duration is about 2 or 3 minutes. Does this reply to your question?
Thats debatable, Basilus
Yea, thanks. This is strange, my friend is a Natural, and said to me he had one for roughly 2 hours. It was his first time Lucid Sex.
What is debatable?
Lucid moments last few seconds. I had a 30 minutes LD. Laberge reports a 50 minutes LD, which lasted during the whole REM stage. My LD’ing average duration is 2 or 3 minutes. Laberge reports that average duration is 2 minutes.
If I remember well this story about a 100 years dream is into the Lars LD’ing FAQ, which is debatable. It was systematically published by Lars on alt.dreams.lucid every week and everybody complained that it has nothing to do with what was said on alt.dreams.lucid and that it was impossible to make him correct what he said, cause he didn’t answer to mails.
Bendrummin58 had a 15 days long LD. Yet what gave the feeling of a long duration were ellipses and memories, like in a movie. It wasn’t continuous. Correct me Bendrummin58 if I’m wrong.
Now, this is the exception. Most of the LD’s are in real time. Just have a look at the dream diaries. Laberge says that the feeling of time in LD’s doesn’t differ a lot from IRL feeling. Yet this was measured on very short durations, like 10 seconds.
From my experience, I try and do many things very quickly during LD’s. This gives me the feeling that a LD is two or three more times quicker than RL, thus that one minute lasts like two. I would tend naturally to overestimate LD’s duration. When I measure LD’s durations, I have to replay the dream in my mind (if it’s not too long) and time it.
And Coldfusion, I think it’s perhaps the reason why your friend told you he had a 2 hours LD. It was certainly a 50 minutes LD, what is well , but he had the feeling it lasted two hours.
Probably, but I guess you have to practise for a long time to get a long LD. Thanks!
My longest LD yet was only a few seconds.
In altered states of consciousness it is possible to experience that time is extended, I know this for a fact. And since that experience brought on by whatever can exist while you’re awake it can certainly be experienced in a dream. It’s the perception of time wich is mental. It doesn’t need to be a trick, like in films. But statistically this doesn’t seem to be all that common. And nobody seems to know how to produce dreams like this. And that is why you shouldn’t get hung up on the possibility to experience it. But I like the idea of it very much. To live several lifetimes, it’s beckoning, yet a bit frightening.