experiences of a beginner + some questions

hi, i heard about lucid dreaming on monday evening. i read about it in a forum and looked it up on wikipedia. well, here are the things i did the last days and at the end of this post, there are some questions to the more experienced ones :razz:

Monday: (night from monday to tuesday)

on monday, there was nothing special, i tried MILD, but in a way, you can’t call it MILD :woo: , so there’s nothing left to say and let’s just jump to tuesday.

Tuesday: (night from tuesday to wednesday)

on tuesday i wanted to try MILD, because it seemed like a fitting technique for me, so i just tried. by the way… i fell asleep at about… 22 o’clock. well, i randomly woke up in the night, at 24 o’clock and i thought… well, if you are already awake, you can try WBTB/WILD, so i adjusted my bell to 1:45 o’clock and fell asleep again. i woke up at 1:45 o’clock and was lucky, because i woke up in the middle of a REM-stage and that’s the reason, why i could remember my dream pretty good. i took my “diary for dreams” lying next to my bed and wrote everything in it, i could remember.
i didn’t know much about all the techniques, but just a little bit, so i didn’t stay awake, but relaxed and tried WILD. everything ran well and my muscles felt heavy, i thought i can make it and waited a bit and tried to keep myself awake. the probleme was, that my bell rang again, because i only switched it off for 8 minutes and well… crash.
but i didn’t want to give up so i adjusted my bell to 3:30 o’clock, woke up again at that time, but i was too sleepy (but still could remember my second dream) and well, that’s it for tuesday.

Wednesday: (night from wednesday to thirsday)

all day long, i read a lot about lucid dreaming, ordered a book about it and gained new motivation. well… i went to sleep at 22 o’clock and adjusted my bell to 4 o’clock. i woke up. remained awake, read about lucid dreaming, listened to music and after 20 minutes i went back to bed again. i used MILD telling me, that i will remember my dream, when i wake up. then, i used WILD, so i relaxed and tried to keep myself awake by counting to 100 while waiting for the sleep paralisis to come. i waited about 30 minutes (i know that, because i heard the bell of the church nearby ringing 5 o’clock). i gave up for that night, knowing that this night wouldn’t be the night for my first lucid dream. well… that were my experiences…

Here are some facts about me:

  • I live in germany
  • i am highly motivated and can fall asleep fast (i.e. after 10-30 minutes)
  • i am almost 17 years old.

My Questions:

  • did i make anything wrong or do you want me to make sth different i did until now?
  • on this site, they tell you to IMMEDIATELY write down all you can remember from your dream, when you wake up, but… they also tell you not to write down everything immediately, but to keep your eyes closed, change your position and then, write everything down AND… they also tell you this: if you can’t wake up by the normal bell, put your bell on the other site of your room, so you wake up for sure, but the question is… HOW CAN I DO ALL THESE THINGS AT THE SAME TIME?? only one is possible, because i neither can’t stay in bed and write, nor let the bell ring and relax in my bed. you know… this would be annoying. so, what to do?
  • i wondered, why i never saw anything about lucid dreaming in the television… i mean… it’s a very spectacular and interesting topic, but i didn’t see anything about it on tv, for me, this is really strange, so could you tell me why?
  • i remembered 2 dreams in 2 days, is this good for the beginning, because i think, that this only was, because i hit the REM-stages by awakening?

Thanks for your responses :grin:

since nobody likes to help me and i now had my first lucid dreams i think this can be closed…

Well dont you have a sad attitude, cheer up :grin: theres no reason to be down like that. Do you still have any questions about Lucid dreaming? Id write more but i dont know if you will check this thing with your comment and all :tongue:

You did pretty good. I would leave WILD alone for the time being. Not everyone can do it and I consider it an intermediate technique.

Try and remember your dreams before you write them down. When you wake up, close your eyes and try and remember the whole dream. The more stimulus that is imposed on your senses the more difficult every aspect of LDing becomes.

I think it’s lack of popularity owes to it’s difficulty. Few people are natural lucid dreamers and even fewer are hard workers (especially when they’re half asleep). But I don’t think it will be long before 60 minutes finds out and makes a huge news story out of it and everyone tries it and can’t do it (now the time to sell crappy LD merchandise :grin: ). I always grin when my friends say they had “an awesome dream” last night but I know they just wouldn’t understand it if I told them about my awesome dreams".:devil:

Dreams come and go. Sometimes I remember five in one night. Other times I can’t remember any for a week.

Just keep at it. Lucid dreaming is well worth the hard work. :grin:

thank you, but this thread is useless for me now xD
i already had lucid dreams, but thanks anyway :wink:

locked on reQuest ~ Q ~