
Hi, I used to be astral_minded on here but I forgot my password and stuff

Here’s an experiment I played out over about a two weeks period:

Question: Are your dreams effected by sleep positions?

Hypothesis: They aren’t

Your bed and you
Pen and paper/Journal and pen


  1. Chose three sleep positions you sleep in the most. Record in journal.

  2. Assign each position with two days each. record in journal.

  3. Sleep in chosen position. Record your dream in journal.

  4. Repeat step 3 until satisfied. Gather a conclusion.

My conclusion was that my dreams are affected by my sleep positions. It may vary from person to person. Try this out for yourself!

if you wish to run this experiment in the lucidity lab (read the lab guidelines first) - I could transfer this topic into the lab discussion forum.

Every lucid dream that I can remember waking up from, I woke up sleeping on my right side.

I don’t have a lucid dream every time I sleep on my right side. But it seems like it is one factor. :smile:

It would be impossible for me to do this experiment. I toss and turn so much when trying to get to sleep and fall asleep so gradually that by the time I settle into one position my brain’s already too asleep to register what it is.

Likewise, in the morning I can’t initially think straight enough to notice what position I’m lying in (by the time I can, I’ve already rolled over or gotten out of bed completely). In all my life, I’ve never once noticed what side I woke up on.