A lot of us come up with interesting ideas to try in LD’s, however most of the time they only stimulate sight or touch. I just wanted to give a reminder to some to think outside the box and make your LD’s just a little more detailed. In one LD I had, I actually played a song of my choice in my head and it was playing in the dream in unbeleivable clarity. I was flying around with this instrumental rock/techno song playing and it sounded exactly like the real song itself clear as day. This actually inspired me to put more music into my LD’s from now on. Since music has the ability to govern the direction of our emotions, it would be more interesting to play songs accordingly to the LD.
I haven't tried too much with food or other scents in dreams, but I plan on it soon. I bet there are some pretty interesting dream foods out there and even tastes to invent :content: . Anyone else have any unique experiences detailing the senses in a dream?
i’ve played guitar in my dream, and i could tell that each string was in tune… whatever i played with my hand matched what i should have heard. it was a cool experience…
i’ve also tried food, which was remarkably realistic…
Having your own personal dream-theme music…thats exccelent!
Have you aver seen that episode of Faminly Guy when Peter gets his own theme music as one of his wishes. That would be amazing. hehe…
that’s a really good idea trancewave, i’ll have to keep that in mind for my next LD
anyway, after thinking about that post… i realized that my most vivid LDs were vivid because they involved most if not all of my senses. one dream i remember i was flying around a lake/river system and i remember hearing the songs of so many birds and the sound of the water, of course the feeling of flight, and sight of things all around (couldn’t see the birds though, i was looking for them)
In that space between waking and sleeping, where your mind wanders insanely, I often hear music. Then, I go, “Wait, I can hear music…I must be falling asleep.” and go back to fully awake. This doesn’t disturb me, though, because from that point, I can get to sleep easily.