I know this might have been mentioned before but I think not under the info I am talking about.
I went to bed last night around 2am and woke up a minute later than the previous day. My housemates had woken up but were been very loud and screaming a lot and I could hear them screaming and making a lot of noise whilst I was having a dream asleep, I had woken up before that and then went back to sleep for a short time. But during the time I was asleep I could hear them making noise and it was annoying me as I was dreaming.
I was just wondering had anybody experienced something like this directly ? Also do you think you can become lucid in a dream which you started just as you went back to sleep after you had awoken in the morning when you should have gotten up?
Hope someone understands it is just that I read other topics and they didn’t suggest the same thing i was talking about
Sometimes I dream with the radio on. The content of the radio show is in the dream, as if I am sitting in the same room as the host. You know how sometimes when you listen to the radio you visualizes the hosts, it is like that, but you are in the show. Sometimes the content of the dream is more remotely related.
Overall I don’t like it when I set the radio alarm and I doze off again, because the radio kidnaps the content of the dream.
When you wake up in the morning and doze off, you have a pretty high chance of an LD especially if you remind yourself that, “I am dozing off now and I am going to have an LD.”
What I do is that if I wake up like that, before I doze off I begin imagining conversations. The moment you notice that the conversation had become automatic* or stereo, you know that your subconscious is taking over and you are in a wild.
*Automatic = when the voices you imagined start talking on their own without you thinking about what they should say.
whenever I awake in the morning and then go back to sleep or doze off as you put it, I always have extended dreams where I go back to sleep for maybe 4hrs and LD and as you state, the characters are nearly always automatic but I can choose what to do or what to say but as I am in a LD in that state I can hear my house mates talking (IRL)and such through the wall of my bedroom as I am sleeping.
I have sometimes set my radio alarm and had weird dreams which were a mix of the radio plus my own thought intertwined into a weird half dream/half LD.
When I wake up and then doze off in the morning around the time I should get up I don’t need to WILD to LD I just go back to sleep and the LD is just there. I have on occasions woken up in a LD gone back to sleep and re-entered the same LD and continued and then woken up again. When I said I woke up I did wake up it wasn’t a FA.
sometimes outside sounds can affect the dreams we have, and sometimes you can even hear the sounds itself in the dreams, try listening to music while you dream and generally different styles of music will produce different types of dreams
There’s a experiment running at the moment in the Lucid Lab on this site. It’s called “Simple Audio Aided Lucid Dreaming”
I had sometimes that when my alarm clock (CD) went off and I heard it in my dream. I knew one time I was walking to the music I heard, but I woke up after a short time and I had to stand up.
does anyone experience having a dream which maybe is a LD but the external sound whatever it is, in this case been people talking and doing stuff rather than yourself intendingly listening to music or the radio/tv heard whilst it not affecting your dream ?
I think sound is one of the most permeable medium to affect the contents of a dream. If the external sound are spoken words, it almost always affect the dream quite literally.
I had a dream in which the radio was on and it was a congress hearing with Condeleezza Rice. I was lucid because I knew that the radio was on and I was falling asleep. In the auditorium. I just walked outside and it didn’t affect the rest of the dream.
There was an other dream when the radio was on and I was lucid. The radio was still talking in the background (and I was actually interested in the contents) but it didn’t affect the content of the dream. Or at least not to the point that I noticed anything different.
These were the times when I was lucid and that I already knew in the dream that the I was listening to the radio. So when I can consciously discern the source of the sound (internal vs external), it no longer affects the dream.
So I think you can choose not to listen when you are lucid. It is like selective listening made more powerful.
I know this, but as soon as those conservation became “automatic” and I suddenly realize “hey, cool, the conservation goes on like automatic” I am suddenly more awake and the conservation isn’t automatic anymore…
Same applies if I imagine a song and suddenly it becomes “stereo” as if I would actually hear that song… Then I suddenly think “hey, that sounds great” and instantly it goes back to the boring “un-stereo style”…