I was lying in bed and thinking about how your fingers and arm get numb when they fall asleep and inducing that by leaning my head on my fingers while on my side. Did that for a while then finally went to sleep. Well, in a matter of minutes (or it seemed so, no way of keeping track of the time) my entire body went numb. Now I didn’t realize it was a dream at first because I felt like I was in my bed the way I fell asleep and it was really dark. I tried to reach for my lamp but I couldn’t control my body correctly because of the numbness. (I may have been half asleep but still dreaming. Maybe I was trying to control my dream self in the real world or my real self in the dream. ) Anyway, I realize at this point that I’m dreaming but I’m still paralized. I try to move or wake up or something but I’m stuck. Finally I’m jerked out my sleep and wake up as I come out the dream.
I’m not sure what that whole thing was. Was it sleep paralysis? Is that what its supposed to feel like? I know most people say they go through intense fear when it happens to them but I just felt like my whole body fell asleep (went numb).
Another thing, (this may not be the right forum for this but while I’m on the subject SP) do people who have never had a lucid dream get sleep paralysis? I’m curious if this may be a side affect of LD ing. Kind of like a hacker, cracks into a computer and controls the computer from behind the scenes. But if he makes a mistake a glitch may occur. If the brain is highly advanced computer, can “glitches” occur during REM?
D-Dog you where in between waking and sleeping stage…here you have sleep paralysis and hypnagogics and other trance features.
What you experienced was a light trance stage. Atransition stasge from waking to sleeping and dreaming…ppl who practise wild experience this often. Read up at the big wild topic at Quest for lucidity!
Hi! I’m new here…though, I’ve been studying sleep for a while now (I have persistent insomnia) and have been experimenting with lucidity.
Often, when I start to achieve lucidity…and I end up waking up from it…I’m like…struggling to keep from waking up. This has coused sleep paralysis quite a few times.
The first time it ever happened it was the most terryfying experience of my life. I woke up to my pitch-black room, and a feeling of dread and horror and EVIL just seemed to cover me…I even heard some kind of whispering noises…it was terrible. Sometimes, it’s not too bad…like, this afternoon I woke up from a nap…and was paralyzed for a few seconds after trying to lucid dream and failing…I woke up to a fairly well lit room and was feeling more annoyance then anything else, because I came SO close.
SP can be scary if you’re not used to it. But once you realize there’s nothing to be afraid of, you can learn to enjoy it. Kind of like riding the bus.
I have this problem too… I wonder what causes you to automaticly affraid or feel some bad presence, though you know its all in your mind… Its annoying
I have luckily managed to enter a few lds from there though, so some positive experiences also
My last one was pretty damn annoying too, even had visual hallucination included…
I was in a normal dream, was diving into some pool, closed my eyes as i went into the water… Then when i came up, i opened my eyes and was back in my bed, staring into the eyes of a person which was standing by my bed with a HUGE knife in his hand, looked like he was going to stab me.
The image faded as soon as i forced myself out of the SP by moving my body. Was kinda a shock, since i thought i would see the outdoor pool area as i came up, but instead looking into a person who was going to stab me.
Visual hallucination during SP is very rare for me, only had it happening a couple of times. Usually it is just sounds, like the sound of wind blowing into my ears.
Hmm Tomas…i had that person with a knife and eyes full of hate when i was ehm 17 or so…years ago had it a few times. Then never again.
Mm yes it is not fun…
It was a woman in my case with a knife yuck and i couldnt move lol
Well it wasnt boring at all
Yeah, it can be quite frightning when it happens, but i look at it as a postive experience afterwards, gives some excitement anyways But in the moment it happens… not allways that fun
SP can be a frightening thing, yes I understand that perfectly. Hey, I used to have that evil-guy-with-knife problem. He always stab me while I’m in SP. But now, SP isn’t a bad thing for me. In fact I enjoy SP… yes sometimes I still have those nasty SP, but all I need to do is to let my mind go and then I wake up almost immediately. What I find is that if you try to fight and fight, it will always get worse. Since it actually tricks your brain into thinking that you’re moving in the dream world so it sends stronger message to become even further paralyized.
If you find yourself experiencing SP often, you’re in luck. You can WILD easily from there when you learn that SP can be like a best tool to assist you with. Just like what Jeff said… you might enjoy it if you go look at the BIG WILD topic discussion (part 9 with WILD techniques that Jeff posted for us… thanks Jeffo ).
Sometimes in a dream, my dream body goes numb and it requires all of my energy and effort to move, and when I do, it is very slowly, as if trying to move through a pool of honey. I don’t know how to overcome it, it isn’t normal SP.