Hi, I’m thinking about attempting a new technique and looking for some advice!
I’ve had the most success with VILD and sometimes with a WBTB WILD but recently I have not been able to because I am so tired that I usually can’t put in the little effort or I just fall asleep before I can even think. I’ve still been getting a few LD’s though (or nearly) because I have been doing reality checks like a mad woman! I’ve actually got a few without using any induction methods lately. Last night I actually had a dream where I was with my Gran and we saw my Granpa (who is dead in RL) and my gran said something like, “It can’t be…” and I said to her, “Maybe your dreaming, this could be a dream” and I didn’t even think to RC! How strange.
Anyway, I was wondering what technique people would suggest since I am falling asleep so quickly… Could I use this to my advantage? Maybe a HILD idea? Suppose that technique is better when used after waking up during night though… I’m not very good at that.