Extremely tired technique?

Hi, I’m thinking about attempting a new technique and looking for some advice!

I’ve had the most success with VILD and sometimes with a WBTB WILD but recently I have not been able to because I am so tired that I usually can’t put in the little effort or I just fall asleep before I can even think. I’ve still been getting a few LD’s though (or nearly) because I have been doing reality checks like a mad woman! I’ve actually got a few without using any induction methods lately. Last night I actually had a dream where I was with my Gran and we saw my Granpa (who is dead in RL) and my gran said something like, “It can’t be…” and I said to her, “Maybe your dreaming, this could be a dream” and I didn’t even think to RC! How strange.

Anyway, I was wondering what technique people would suggest since I am falling asleep so quickly… Could I use this to my advantage? Maybe a HILD idea? Suppose that technique is better when used after waking up during night though… I’m not very good at that.

When you use WBTB, do you actually get up and out of bed, and do something? Or do you stay in bed?

If your not doing so already, ide suggest getting up out of bed when doing WBTB, go and have a drink of water, do a few RC’s, maybe write down on paper “I am lucid” or “I am aware”,
stay awake for up to an hour.

Then go back to bed, and SET YOUR INTENTION to become LUCID. Tell yourself “Time to become lucid!”, say it in your mind a few times, as you fall asleep.

Let me know if that was any help, its probably the best way to get lucid, for me,… by setting your intention, you set your mind to achieve what you want… it really works if you believe it can.

If I get up for too long then I really struggle to get back to sleep though :sad: not fair! I tend to stay in bed to be honest. Maybe I should try waking earlier in the night so I really need more sleep…

Thanks a lot for the reply!