Eye Twitching

Last night, I tried the Stephen LaBerge mp3 that was available somewhere here, the one you’re supposed to listen to before you go to sleep at night?

Anyway, as I was listening, my eyes (that were closed) started twitching, like…really really really bad. It’s never happened when I’ve tried to go to sleep or anything, it’s the first time it’s really EVER happened.

Anybody know why?

Were that your eyes, or eyelids? If it was your eyes (hmm dunno if an eye can actually “twitch”), perhas it was the onset of REM? If it was your eyelids, it must have been one of those random muscle spasms. Probably won’t happen again or if it does, try to relax as much as possible and just wait it out, since it just happens…

I’ve heard the eyelid can twitch when the brain goes from one brainfrquency to another really fast, like when using hemi-sync tapes. It’s not dangerous or anything…i think :razz:

I have those twitches sometimes myself, but its simply the body in “relaxation mode” its the point in the night were you finally just relax, I see no HI I enter no SP, its just relaxation. for me its the first thing I feel before i go into the WILD process.