It seems I have a problem when I try to WILD my eyes begin to twitch, I can sometimes calm this by “looking” upward and focusing on the third eye chakra, but other times it seems my eyelids begin to twitch to the point where I cant keep them shut, and my eyes begin erratic movement while I am still pretty aware and awake in my head. Im just wondering if anyone else has this problem or if anyone knows a solution?
That happens to me very often, especially if I’m very tired. I don’t do anything about it, though. It usually passes away when I start getting more and more relaxed and sleepy. Try just staying relaxed, and even if your eyes open up a little, try to endure it. Try to think of something entirely different and it might even pass like mine do.
If you have tried it and it doesn’t help… Well, I dunno what could cause it.
This question is often asked on the forum. Every month, one or two persons ask it. I made a post about this hoping for more feedback: Your opinion about eyes twitching
but it seems that all the “eyes twitchers” suddenly vanished!
So I can only tell you that it seems to be a begginer problem which disappears with time.