In nearly all of my LD’s I’m constantly aware of keeping my eyes either closed or half open. At first they’re definitely closed, yet I can see everything. Then it goes dark so I open them a little, convinced I’ll wake up if I open them fully. They often appear half closed in my reflection.
A couple of times while in a LD I could see light when I opened them a bit too much and it seemed very real like I was sensing the sunlight in my room in RL at the same time as dreaming. Could that really have happened or was it just my mind?
While awake, if you close your eyes all you see is pretty much black, but if u go right up to a light and close your eyes it looks red. Once i woke up in the morning but I did not open my eyes and it was red, i was not sure if i was awake or not and I didnt think to open my eyes right away, I thought they were and i like went blind or something. When i finally did open my eyes the sun coming through my window practically blinded me. I was facing right towards it while sleeping. Maybe while in your dream the sun came up and was shining on you, and that’s what you saw.
I have had alot of trouble with my eyes in LDs. Very often, I can’t open them or it feels like I have this ‘sand’ in them. Whenever I find that my eyes are closed in an LD, I try to interact physically with the dream enviroment (touching things). After a while I forget that my eyes are closed and what do you know, my vision is back!
About the half-closed eyes, that could be trickier. You could try to force them open, try to splash some cold water in them, or maybe just try to see through your eyelids. Remember that you can do anything in your dreams, you do not need to have eyelids at all .
Whenever my eyes are closed in an LD I get scared to open them because I think that I’ll wake up. This maybe be because I did wake up one time opening my eyes. I was also in an LD, after doing a WILD, and lifted my arms up in the LD and woke up in my bed lifting my arms up!! I think I was not quite in the dream state yet and tried to do stuff a little do soon.
It feels like your eyes are closed, because they are. It’s not your dream-eyes that you’re feeling, it’s your real eyes.
I noticed in an LD some time ago that my eyes felt rather strange. Not only like they were closed, but also like they were kind of ‘stuck’. As if they were glued shut, or something. After I woke up the first thing I realized was that my eyes felt the same as they had while I was in the dream. It turned out that they were, in fact, glued shut by a build-up of something that had secreted from them during the night (I don’t know the word for it, but I’m sure you know what I mean).
I get that too. I’m less aware of my eyes when the lucidy is higher.
Also I’ve noticed my memory acts differently -In a lucid dream I don’t think back to what happened a minute ago but remember things from past dreams. Short term memory seems to be affected more than long term?
I Have had the eye feeling in my LD’s. This usually happens when I am so lucid that I am completly aware of my body in bead and can feel my actually body.