F33 MP3

I don’t know about you guys, but I like this kind of music and also like to compose it. This hypnotized me while i was awake lol Its by AFX which is also cool. You will be zonning in your mind by the time this MP3 is over with as it did for me. (You might have to be awake for this one, but again i fell asleep listening to it) Its not your average LD music or Meditation music. It’s sound just sort of puts you in a deep zone, I mean very deep in my case.

00:06:04 Length.
DOWNLOAD: rapidshare.de/files/1312901/F__133_.mp3.html

The sounds of a dishwasher under heavy distortion and a sound like whooshing. You can hear electric screeching. Its just simply an awsome sound lol put me out of my head zonning off thats for sure. It was during the day outside in my back yard in the hot warming sun. I felt the heat go over my face and body. I was listening to this it really had me parylized If you have a deep and concentrating Imagination like me. (execuse me spelling :smile:)

Cool I’m just waiting to download it now, can’t hurt to try anything new.


Thank you for posting this :smile: It’ll be good to try something new for a change

For those that don’t like it, please don’t post back here :no: … its just a crazy electronic distortion song nothing special :roll: I’m just a noob that knows nothing :obe:

I listened.

Didn’t really put me into trance or anything, but I enjoyed the song.

(Old, some months old.)

That song is deleted from the site due to long time of inactivity. So don’t bother checking it out. You guys who have already downloaded it must transfer it to other people instead of directing them to the site should someone request it.

Sorry to resurrect an old post but…
Anyone have this file? I’d like to try it :smile:

Me too. :grin: