Failed MILD

This night I seriously tried MILD for the very first time. I spontaneously woke up at 3 am (after 4 hours of sleep), so I said myself that it’s good time to go for it. Well, the result was that not only I didn’t get LD (hardly unexpected), but also I couldn’t fall asleep at all for quite some time and in the morning I did not, for the first time since I keep DJ, remember any dream. Sometimes I piece my dream together later during the day, but this time it’s complete amnesia for me.

Now I realize that my attempt was probably flawed by the fact that I did not remember my dream after the first awakening.


You should have tried WBTB, or did you :confused:

Anywho, make sure that you turly believe what you are saying when you MILD; don’t be a broken record.

Recalling dreams is important for MILD, seeing as how you a supposed to visualize yourself becoming lucid in thedream you just had.

Also, four hours probbably was a bad time to wake up; you might have been in a N-REM sleep.

One last piece of advice; try the program called LDA located here … ware.shtml when you wake up in that kind of situation (or just WBTB in general)

One last thing. Good Luck :smile: :content: :happy: :cool_laugh: :wink: :tongue: :cool:

yes, when you wake up and youve slept for about 4-6 hours try WBTB … and maybe a combination of WBTB and WILD

Some keys with MILD:

  1. Mean what you say, concentrate on meaning of words as you say them and perhaps visulize to enhance
  2. You do not have to wake from and remember a dream to use MILD, I use it primarly as I go to sleep and after that LD I WILD.
    3)Expect to have a lucid dream, it is not a difficult thing, and if you convince yourself it is you will make it hard.

Good Luck! :smile:

Just keep trying MILD It worked (sort of) for me.

On my 5th try i had a ULD / FLD :smile:

hey i’m a beginner at MILD and just starting to try it and I can’t and don’t usually wake up after a dream so would someone reccomend trying it right when I go to sleep or after WBTB. thanks

One of the big advantages of MILD is that you can do it right when you go to sleep, or after WBTB. Doing it after WBTB incresses the chances of success because there is less time between the MILD and start of REM sleep, and the chance that you wake up from the dream is greater.

hey snazmcb
i like to use MILD before bed, and everytime i wake up in the middle of the night. basiaclly as often as i can, even during the day i remind myself of how i will remember im dreaming.
also i think you should think of specific things to remember, for example maybe not sucking at juggling.