failed wild attempts

I’m new to lucid dreaming and havent had my first ld yet.For the past 3 days ive been trying to WILD during afternoon naps but i cant enter sleep paralysis.I lie without moving for one and a half hour but all i feel is a heaviness on my limbs without hypnagogic imagery or anything like that.What am i doing wrong? I dont normaly have afternoon naps is it because of that?

Probably. I was also trying WILD with naps but didn’t get any results because I was getting enough sleep through night and I just couldn’t fall asleep. Try that with WBTB.

Yea, I agree With dB_FTS,
Ive never tried doing WILD with naps but WBTB always helps me to get further with WILD.

It’s possible with naps, just really hard compared to using it with WBTB

WILD is usually most efficient during late night/early morning hours. It’s not because of the hour, but your mind’s longing for sleep. Let’s say you go to bed at midnight and wake up after 5 hours of sleep. Wait a bit and maybe record your dreams in a journal and THEN try WILD. It’s probably going to be much easier because your brain would really like to go back to sleep, which logically makes you more relaxed.