Hi there! I’m new to the forum here, so I’ll quickly welcome myself - welcomed - thank you, glad to be here. There we go, that’s over with, so we can move on to discussion.
I had an interesting experience last night. I’ve had a very small number of lucid dreams in the past, and last night was… almost a lucid dream, but not quite. I realized I might be dreaming, and I did a reality check by holding my nose. When I could still breathe, the fact that I was in a dream was confirmed, and I thought to myself how great it was that I’d finally become lucid again after months without a LD. But the weird part of it was that I did NOT become lucid. I gained zero conscious control over my dream; the dream continued as normal, except I suddenly had all these amazing superpowers that came from knowing I could completely control my environment. And at one point, I turned gold into chocolate… isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
So, has anyone else ever experienced this? Realizing you’re in a dream without becoming lucid? It’s not the first time it’s happened to me… and it’s so frustrating to wake up and realize you were SO CLOSE, yet so far away.
Another thing that seems to happen a lot when I realize I’m dreaming, even in this dream where the lucidity was fake: I’m suddenly beset by INCREDIBLE fatigue. I have a hard time keeping my eyes open, or even standing up. My body feels like it’s covered with sandbags, and I find myself falling flat on my face and grubbing around for a few minutes before I manage to pull it together and continue doing anything… not a good thing in last night’s dream, which involved my being chased by a mob of very angry people. I’ve only managed to become lucid twice without this happening, and both of those were on the same night. Is this a common occurrence, or am I just weird?
1st problem- that is not something unusual, it’s perfectly normal.In fact, lots of lucid dreamers had those kind of dream.I did, too.just keep practising and focusing.
2nd problem- I heard of that issue too.So, you’re not weird
Try yelling: ‘‘Give me energy!’’ or something like that.Or just focusing on getting energy and that stuff.I hope that helps.
A very similar experience happened to me last night. I woke up about 5:00 this morning, and then went back to bed. I did an RC the second I started dreaming(nose one). It failed, so I was like “oh cool, I’m dreaming”. I would do it several times throughout the dream. This is the weird part to describe, during the dream I felt I had complete control, but when I woke up, I looked back on the dream and didn’t feel like I had any control. It was kind of weird, and I don’t know what to think about the dream at all.
It seems that you don’t like people to welcome you… hah welcome anyways!
K so about the discussion now, lol.
If you realize that you are dreaming, it’s like a feeling you wake up IN a dreamworld - then it is a lucid dream. End of discussion. I mean, if you have lucid dream, you are lucid lol - you can’t have a lucid dream without being lucid!
Though, it’s very normal to have lucid dreams without control. You can be afraid while normally you wouldn’t - cuz it’s a dream you know. Or can’t fly while other times you can. Or can’t turn the enemy into candy - while another time you can. It doesn’t mean you can’t control the dream - you aren’t lucid. If you mean you said ‘‘I’m lucid’’ while you were not - that’s normal too… it means that your brain is programming to become lucid but can’t be lucid YET. You can have also ‘‘pre-lucid’’ moments in which you think ‘‘this can’t be true’’ - yeh you know that your computer can’t chance into a chair or your teeth fall out for the 5th time - but still it seems not enough to be lucid.All these things are normal - so don’t worry about it.
The second thingie. Well i have those too…sometimes the ‘‘give me more lucidity’’ screaming helps, sometimes not at all. Maybe you can search something about dream symbolism… if you are not tired at day, or didn’t worked very hard and those dreams keep repeating - maybe it is trying to tell you something else then just ‘‘I’m sleepy!’’… I don’t know if symbolism interest you - but I guess it will not harm you if you just read something about it, you never know…
Not that I don’t like being welcomed, I’ve just gotten tired of introducing myself after having joined so many forums in the past, didn’t feel like posting a separate thread for introductions, and didn’t want to waste time in this one introducing myself when I had other questions to ask. ^^;
This definitely wasn’t a lucid dream. I’ve had lucid dreams in the past, and this wasn’t one - I say that not because I couldn’t do something I wanted to do, but because the things I did are not things I would have done if I’d actually been conscious. It was more like dreaming that I realized I was in a dream, but the dream was still ultimately in control, and not I. In the dream, I thought I was lucid, and my actions definitely proved that I was in a dream - I was turning gold into chocolate and attacking people telekinetically. But those two things are also why I don’t believe I was lucid - if I were, turning gold into chocolate would have been the last thing I would have ever even thought of doing, and I probably wouldn’t have even bothered to continue fighting the people who were chasing me, instead opting to take the chance to explore the dream world, which I find to be incredibly intriguing based on my previous lucid experiences.
The sort of thing u decribed has happened to me numerous times, or at least something similar. I tried MILD for the 5th time last night and it finally worked…sort of. I was i realized that i was dreaming and so i flew out my window. i started flying over my neigborhood and it was good but i wanted to switch locations but i just couldnt.
Also i dont think i was fully lucid becuase if i was, i would have done the one thing that i really want to ry in a lucid dream and i just didnt even think to do it. it a vway it was like i was having a dream about a lucid dream. does that make sense? does anyone have any tips for me??
I’ve had similar experiences.
First off-- if you are aware that you are dreaming, you are lucid. Being able to control your dream is a different matter entirely.
It is possible that you only became lucid momentarily, then forgot about it. That happened to me a lot when I was starting to LD… and it was frustrating and disturbing because often after I realized I was lucid I would forget again and then proceed to do all sorts of horrible things and wake up wondering why the heck I would choose to do that. But it wasn’t me consciously deciding to do those things… it was actually me dreaming that I was deciding to do those things. A bit confusing, I guess.
Lucidity is kinda tricky. Once you realize you are lucid it can be easy to forget it in-dream but remember it when you wake up, so you’re left with the illusion that you were lucid the whole dream when you were only lucid for that moment. That’s my observation from my experiences, anyway.
If it happens repeatedly, you might try making a list of things you would like to do in an LD, and then put the list under your pillow, read it often, meditate on it before sleeping, or otherwise do what you need to to keep that list in your mind. That when, when you realize you are lucid, you will be more likely to remember your list and hijack your dream as soon as you become lucid rather than just letting it slip your mind, as it tends to do when you have no particular goal in mind.