AAARRRGGGG!!! I keep having these weird ‘fake’ lucid dreams!! its like im ‘dreaming that im lucid’ and its really annoying! any tips for a confused beginner?
Don’t worry, everyone has those.
Believe it or not, it’s actually a good thing. Personally, I’d rather dream about having a lucid dream than any other random events. At least it means that the topic is on your mind even when you are not consciously thinking about it.
What you could do, is perform a Reality Check each time you think about Lucid Dreaming. Whether you’re reading about it here, or just casually thinking about it during the day. Hopefully then, when you have another dream about lucid dreaming, you might perform a RC.
Good luck.
thats the problem though, i dream about doing reality checks, and it continues as a regular dream! i dont really know what to do about that, not just haveong fake LDs.
Hmmm Palmetto maybe u need to stimulate the conscious part of your brain after a rc in dream…u can do this by calling out your name…rubbing your hands at same time…do simple calculations…and then again call out your name…also dance or sing in your dream this way you activate more the associative part of the brain to and then do your rc thing…
Let us know!
how do you do your RC’s, are you really doing EVERY reality check with the conviction that the reality you are checking COULD be a dream? I ask you this because this is my biggest concern with RCs, after a while many people just practice them like robots, already assuming that it isn’t a dream while doing the check. No wonder people do RCs in dreams without getting lucid, not the check itself but the QUESTIONING ATTITUDE is important.
But you don’t need to worry too much about those FLDs, actually they can be viewed as a sign that you’re VERY close to lucidity and should be considered as an incentive to continue practicing and make that final breakthrough.
Good luck !
thank you all for your advise, and i think tha ur right Brain Hacker, they are sort of routine. ill try al of your advises (is that a word?) but i havent come close to a lucid dream in awhile, but ill hope for the best.
Yea you have to be critical when performing RC.
It’s funny I’m not always critical IRL but whenever I think about doing a RC in a dream I usually know I’m dreaming before doing it. Everybody’s different…
err…what does that …mean? critical? sorry, im not good with the abbrivatoins…
Hi Palmetto, with “critical” we don’t mean critical in the sense of criticizing and judging people and things, because that doesn’t help us attaining lucidity, on the contrary it makes us eternally dissatisfied jerks. Critical here means continually being skeptical about the nature of your environment, is this a dream or not? So when you do a reality check, you pay attention instead of doing the check like a robot or a zombie. We are always talking about getting conscious in dreamworld but to be honest most people walk like unconscious zombies through waking life. That’s a pity, because people miss so much if they just sleepwalk through waking life! When doing properly, reality checks can not only heighten your odds of becoming lucid in your dreams (lucid dreaming) but they also offer you a chance of waking up in your waking life, and that way you become more ALIVE (lucid living).
Wish you good luck .
thanks! ill let ya guys know. i dont think im doing that wel in realizing when im in a dream, cause i had a weird (realy really really [ect.] ) dream last night, but i didnt think it was a dream at the time.
OK, I didn’t know there were sutch things as Fake LD’s. I once had a dream about doing reality checks but it made me kinda lucid.
How do you know when your Lucid dream is fake and when it’s not. In some Lucid dreams I think to myself, “I’m dreaming!” but without realy being to contious. Oh well. I will have a proper lucid dream eventualy.
It was like that last night - I was already semi-lucid when i did the RC. I don’t do RC’s that often but i always consider that the result may not be what i expected. Seems pointless otherwise since your subcounsions will surely learn the drill quickly if you just do them as a routine.