Fall is here.

I love autumn
the different colours of the fallen leaves
the only drawback is the sale of fireworks for a long period during this season which spoils it for me

Winter is here… :razz: We have had below freezing for everynight for the last week… Daytemps peak at around 3c-5c…

No snow yet though… There was some forecast for snow tonight, but nothing yet luckily.

There’s frost at my town, Tomas. (in Jørpeland)

Even more strange, this fall is actually being cold and frosty, yet Fall isn’t supposed to be this chilly, or does it…?

It’s that really beautiful time of year here in New England. Thankfully it finally stopped raining before all the leaves came down! It was 60 degrees here today and the sun shining through the multicolored leaves was amazing!

I love the season of Fall… Too bad here nothing is that magnificent. I’m kind of jealous of you guys that get to see such beautiful things. Like that scene you described, Ellen. It sounds really nice…

i dont like it that much coz i dont like cold , i even shiver when its 15 c .

fall/autumn in the uk particurly in manchester is alright, recently we had a lot of sun and today it was really warm which is unusual.
Normally though in manchester it normally rains all the time, pratically everyday it rains but I quite like the rain and the cold. I cycle everywhere so I am outside a lot, but I have the gear to keep me warm so it doesn’t mind me

I love Fall :content:
The things are looking so … beautiful
The nature is beautiful (but that’s in Spring, summer and winter also. The nature is just beautiful)
I like it, and this fall it isn’t too cold :content:
And the rain, it’s mostly not to hard and to cold. It can be nice…
Raindrops falling on your head
And the emoticon/feeling fall refers to me lately…

But on the other hand, I like Spring, Summer and Winter too…

this says enough:
Updated: 4:50 AM CEST on October 23, 2005
Observed At: Trondheim, Norway
23 °F / -5 °C
Windchill: 15 °F / -10 °C

Fall is great !
Cold , and beatiful !

But when the snow comes .
And goes , and comes and goes .
It`s not that great .
Half-melted snow is some of the worst things immaginable

wow so cold there already in norway :eek:

It is cold here in Bodø, too! It was strange to see football players slide around on frozen grass earlier today.

I last time looked outside a hour or so ago, and there was no snow… Now i went past the window and witnessed this: https://handyhub.cjb.net/gallery/div/IMG_0330
Our first snow… i bet it will be white tomorrow


oh that’s so nice :happy: I love it when it snows good and thick :content: you have it rarely in holland. But I can imagine you get tired of it if you have it every day. I get the urge to say: "merry christmas :grin: "

Am I the only person who likes summer :eh:

I find the temperature in summer more comfortable. I feel cold a lot during the other seasons (I must be cold blooded). Sometimes it’s too hot but i still prefer that to freezing. Also I’m lucky to not suffer from hayfeever. The only thing i don’t like about summer is the sun shining in my eyes as they’re rather sensitive. Looking at the sky or just straight ahead on a bright day makes them ache.
I love rain and thunderstorms in the summer too.

on the contrary, i love summer too whispa… already i’m covered in 3 sweaters trying to stay warm… everybody click on that link in my sig and help us move to california! :grin:

Move to Norway instead. Only place it’s safe from nature’s disasters.

I love autumn too, I love the red orange, and Yellows on the trees
as the light from the sun shines on them in the morning, when its not raining and grey.

I didn’t like fall an hour ago.
I was riding on my bike to my home. And it was raining hard. When I came home I was totally, totally wet. Everything was wet.
My bag is also wet, but from the inside it’s pretty dry. The only thing that is a bit wet is something which isn’t from me. But that’s not really wet, so it’s probably okay.