Falling asleep faster for good WILDS

i need some help falling asleep faster so i can focus better on WILDS, but i dont wanna take drugs, i just wanna regulate a good pure and healthy sleeping pattern, any tips?

i want to do the same, it takes me an hour or longer to fall asleep… but only 15 minutes to get into the light sleep stage, from which i keep waking up over and over again.

Try bwgen.

If anyone was wandering; YES I AM OBSESSED WITH BWGEN.

someone please tell me just what this BWGEN is…i keep hearing about it…

How physically active are you during the day?
It usually takes me hours to fall asleep at night, but if I do lots of exhausting stuff like running during the day so that my “batteries are depleted” when I go to bed, it’s much easier to fall asleep.

Or do you have trouble going back to sleep when doing WBTB?
Many say that WILD should be combined with WBTB.

It’s a brainwave generator. Here’s a thread about it

oh you mean the computer program! i have it but i didnt install it cause i didnt think anything of it, what does it do though…?


I always use 61 point relaxation, from EWLD, on the nights that i cant get to sleep. But i usually can get to sleep in like 10 mins tops.

The 61 point relaxation method is actually quite simple, all you do is close your eyes while you are laying down and focus all of your energy onto certain spots of your body, once you feel a tingling pressure in that area you move on to the next one.

List and order of spots to consentrate on:

1.between the eyes
2.adams apple
3.right sholder
7.fore finger
11.back up to the wrist
14. adams apple
15-26 repeat on other side
27. sturnum
28. right nipple
29. sturnum
30.left nipple
31. sturnum

(you should only go to here, the first couple times, and then move on to the rest once you have gotten the hang of it a fully memorized it)

32.belly button
33.over the bladder
34.right hip
37-41 big toe through little toe
42.back up to the ankle
45-56. repeat 33-44
57. back to bladder
58.belly button
60.adams apple
61. back between the eyes

I know this might sound complicated, but once you memorize it, its pretty simple

when using that technique dont memorize the parts, just work through all the parts of your body until every part has been done. you can feel which parts you have not gone over.

I WILD about once a week, and I don’t really use a technique, it’s just that sometimes it happens naturally. When I first started trying to make it happen, I would spend frustrating hours trying to fall asleep. I finally decided to quit worrying about it and just let whatever happen. If I just fall asleep, fine. But there is a certain percentage of the time when I’m teetering on the edge of falling asleep and I “catch” it so to speak, and retain consciousness as the body shuts down.
Then the problem is staying calm and not getting too excited about the possibilty of going into an LD.

thanks guys, it seems like the same for me as artie J, but i always get too excited…

Its easy to let the body fall asleep while staying concious. I do math in my head, and that usually works unless I do easy math. That and counting have worked wonders, and visualizing can also alow you to stay awake.

I sometimes do the 61 point relaxation technique. It is weird. Afterwards I can almost feel every part of my body.

If you have LDs regularly, try to do WILD while being in one: it’s not really like genuine WILDs, but it goes so much faster :smile: