Sweet Thanks.
Yuck, I hate those amature podcasters, they speak so… fony.
Why can’t people just speak normal, As if you’re having a conversation? It’s like they’re reading lines from a paper.
Sweet Thanks.
Yuck, I hate those amature podcasters, they speak so… fony.
Why can’t people just speak normal, As if you’re having a conversation? It’s like they’re reading lines from a paper.
Yea lol, But her technique is very intresting, which is why i created this, and since I had a very similar experience, I bet it could be publicised (is that a word:P )a little more.;
hey dudes!! YOU MUST BLINK while you do this technique okay? I can’t be bothered to explain why though.
I think this is a really intresting technique and I will try this. Maybe you should combine it with WBTB because I think it´s easier for you to fall asleep faster.
And a question: Should the room have some dimmed light on or totally dark? ( sorry if the answer was posted before )
Thank you…
I’m running into the problem of my eyes being so tired and filled with sleep that I have to blink about twice a second to keep them open. In this state it is impossible to fall asleep. Any tips?
I believe this worked last night, I had trouble sleeping, it was 2:45 and I was hallucinating :, needed a wayto fall asleep, I tried this technique for a few minuites, then turned over and must of fell asleep, the next thing I knew consciously, I was in my room standing up, I was like… Ok, I must be dreaming… I was in my bed a second ago, Did a reality check and…hey, whad’ya know… It’s a dream Average vividness and it lasted 40 minuites. I believe that you have to do this tech for a little bit, then eventually your eyes will become so heavy that when you close your eyes, you will fall asleep really quickly, the next thing you should realize is that you’re in a dream. My ld was similar to a LD, I woke up at 2:45, but I’ve already done this tech first time I went to sleep.
I don’t think it matters how dark it is, but I would think the darker the better.
i’ll leave a detailed answer tommrow
Oops Double post
I’m going to help my buddy Altheman9993 and try this tonight! Awesome LD by the way Altheman!
Not to mention it allows you to directly enter REM sleep .
This is indeed a very interesting technique. So much so that I think I might add it to the digibook. I will most definately give this a shot tonight both when I initially go to sleep and when I do WBTB (well…maybe not the WBTB part tonight…if I do that, it’ll be daylight outside, lol). Not sure how I’ll react though, seeing as how sleeping with eyes open sounds a lot harder than counting numbers for a WILD (and I suck at that too, lol).
Oh god, I laying in my bed with my eyes open for about 3 and a half hour without getting the feeling of closing them.
At 3.30 AM I just felt that it was too late and I fell asleep.
i had a reverse experience a couple of years back, where i actually came out of the dream with my eyes open. specifically, in the dream i was staring at a skull by my foot. it started to morph into something that seemed really familiar, and then i realized that i was staring at my alien head poster in my room. all the peripheral dream imagery “popped” and the rest of my room came into my awareness.
i was floored that that was possible.
So, here’s the reverse suggestion to my reverse experience, which is what i believe you’re trying to accomplish, or a slight variation.
softly gaze at something that you want to dream about or that stimulates your LD awareness. fall asleep as you do this with your eyes open.
this is actually like a meditative technique; i know certain buddhist traditions do it. i don’t know if they try to fall asleep while they’re meditating though. anyway, i’ll give this a shot and see what happens.
-bald alien buddhist
Wow that’s a really other cool method of doing it.
Well, When we fall asleep, the last things we do usually take effect in our dream. Like doing MILD, you say “I will have a lucid dream” That usually translates into the dream and helps you become lucid.
However, when we are normally in a dream, our conciousness is really low, Just as we are in mornings (some of us ) like, when my alarm goes off, I look at my arm to see if it’s my watch, I eventually realise i’m awake.
When we close our eyes and think, we generally lose less conciousness, as though it’s a black out. What this method suggests is that we stay concious until the second we fall asleep, this full-aware conciousness carrys on into the dream. A night when you are really tired and lie there for a long time and think about stuff the more and more unconcious you become, which is why in dreams, if you see an elephant in your kitchen, you believe it most of the time.
It’s very similar to the technique where you are looking at your hands before going to sleep, you usually have a dream about looking at your hands making you lucid, but this is about general conciousness, and helps you become aware really quick in a dream
The maximum this should take is around 15 minuites, if you don’t fall asleep by doing it, then you should just turn over, it should still have the same affect. This however does work better with WBTB, since you’re at a REM period. Doing it when you go to sleep is ok, but there’s quite a bit of time between deep sleep and REM, you obviously won’t experience it but it could jepidize it.
Another thing that could help would be to randomly check to see if it’s a dream, even if you think it’s reality, if you hear a sound that is unusual or something, think “Could this be a dream”, It will help motivate your conciousness in the dream.
Wow!, What was the transition like? did the skull start to lose it’s vividness as reality came into play?
Yea that could work!, Something like a clock which you can use for a reality check.
the transisition was like energizing from an alien planet, back to the starship enterprise; like going from alien to familiar, but just not knowing what’s happening until it’s happened. remember, the skull was replaced exactly by the alien face in my room, which means that my body’s eyes had been staring at it while i was dreaming, perhaps interpreting it into a skull. i could analyze this upside down and sideways, but there’s nothing like experiencing it.
go for it!
thanks for the feedback…
-chocolate walrus glove
So, I gave this a shot last night. When I initially went to sleep, I was just sitting there for like half an hour, and I could realize that I was actually becoming more awake, lol, so I went to sleep normally. When I woke up in the morning (around 9 AM, lol), I put my covers over my eyes and then tried again. It wasn’t a minute before I fell asleep. My eyes shut automatically I’m assuming, but I didn’t become lucid. I don’t even remember the dream, heh.
So my conclusion, don’t do this method when you initially fall asleep. Not only will you not enter a REM stage for dreaming, but you’ll also find yourself having a hard time actually falling asleep. Instead, do this after a WBTB when you’re amazingly tired. That way, you’ll directly enter a dream, and you’ll fall sleep much quicker (but I guess that depends on people).
Anyway, I’ll try this again tonight. I need to figure out how to enter the dream lucidly.
Thank you for trying it out. I’m gonna try this again tonight, and with a WBTB. If it don’t work after that then i’m gonna experiment with other things, like adding MILD with it.
Have you listend to the podcast I posted? She seems to claim that it works, i’ve had success with it, but it could just be coincidence that I had them that night when I barely did the tech for a few minuites.
Well with my knowledge, we usually don’t dream until 4 - 5 hours after initially falling asleep. This is because we enter deep sleep stages for those first hours; stages that are crucial to your body. There are indeed times that you dream prior to 4 hours (maybe your body doesn’t need deep sleep that night?), but other than that, you won’t dream, and if you do, odds are you won’t remember.
I haven’t listened to the podcast, but I’ll be sure to do that when I get the chance.
True, But it was just a very weird experience. I got into bed, took me about 45 minuites to get to sleep (was extremly hot, we had a heat wave), i was just looking at the ceiling, I was naturally blinking, and suddenly, I had a weird feeling as though I wasn’t in the same room anymore, and I had the idea of dreams in my head. ( I did an extremly lazy version of autosuggestion, Just ‘I will have a lucid dream’, I will remember my dreams’ Very lazy), which coulda triggered it, but it was the transition, I then walked outside my room, and I knew something was up, and I tryed special powers and they worked.
and with my latest LD with this technique, I had trouble sleeping and I woke up at 2:30, took about half an hour to fall asleep, I did this tech to try and help me fall asleep I was SO tired, Never have been this tired before, my eyes were weighing like 5 kilograms. I abandend the technique after around 5 minuites, went to sleep normally and next thing I knew i was in my room fully concious but standing up, and I automatically thought it was a lucid dream
both could just be concidence, But on my second LD, i was actually thinking about waking up in an LD when I was doing the tech but I don’t remmeber what I was thinking on the first one. They were also both Spontanious, I thought something was weird as soon as I was there.
They coulda just been other varies of techniques in there but it could just be conincidense after all.
Thanks for the podcast! I’m gonna try this tonight.
I’ll giver her a go.