Falling/Jump What is it!? (read on)

When I was younger, almost every night before I fell asleep I would nod off a bit, then my whole body would like, jump as if I was just shocked. It’s very sparse these days but I still get it the odd day, what is it?

PS: I don’t dream anything, or hallucinate… at-least that I remember…

You mean your WL body would jump, and this would wake you up? I do this sometimes when im extremely tired. As soon as I start passing out I start entering dreams and when I do something in the dream, my WL body jerks and I wake up and realize I was just dreaming. Maybe you do the same and just dont remember the dream you were in?

But other than that im not too sure what you mean by the ‘jump’, does it wake you up?

I’m kind of half awake half sleeping, and as i’m drifting into deep sleep (or whatever comes first in a sleep cycle) and my body would kind of jolt, as would my body. is like I was just shook. It’s weird xD

It happens to me almost every night. When I’m tired I go to sleep and while I’m lying there in bed, some parts of my body “jumps”. This happens in those areas where there are many muscles, like in the legs or arms (mostly legs).

Why ? Because when you are really tired, and perhaps did some physical effort, your muscles contract and are very hard. If you touch your leg after some activity, you’ll notice it is hard and you can’t control it very good.
Now, this “jumping” of the muscles happen (usual) if you go to bed right after you did some effort. That because your muscles aren’t well relaxed and going to bed tells them “You must relax !”. Now your muscles can’t do that so quickly and therefore they “jump” a bit. After several “jumps” or even after just one or two, they will relax and let you sleep well.

You should therefore, after practicing a sport activity, relax for about 15 minutes. Walk around (don’t run), sit a bit on the couch, have someone give you a massage (if you have that someone) etc.

Hope this has helped you :smile:

I too have this problem.When I,m tired and just want to sleep,it rarely happens,but when I try to stay conscious while falling asleep,just as I,m drifting off,I have a sensation of falling,and then BAM!,it’s like a big blast of adrenalin that jerks me awake.There is a name for it(myonic jerk?)and it really sucks,scares the hell out of me every time!I sure would like to know how to get past this.I am going to try and research this,will let you know what I find.

I think I read somewhere that it’s called a hypnagogic jerk. It happens just like you said: right as you’re drifting off to sleep, somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. I forget the reason though. :meh:

I think I know what you’re talking about. I’ve gone through the same sort of thing a few times, only with the inclusion of HI. Right when I start to drift off I’ll be doing something like riding a bike in the ‘dream’ (I don’t know if it’d be called since it happens as soon as I start to fall asleep) and I’ll crash, making my entire physical body jerk violently.

There is the difference of not seeing anything so it might be a ‘hypnagogic jerk’ like Yves said.


I get them all the time! I’ll be daydreaming (not asleep, but thinking) and BAM! I feel like I’ve missed the last stair and fallen down. It sucks, but it’s normal.

What you are talking about here is hypnagogic jerk and it occurs every night, its something the SC does to make sure if you are asleep or not.

I myself experience this whenever I daydream and happen to almost fall asleep and bam! I am awake :razz:

Haha, I had something similar the first time I LD’d.
It didn’t wake me up…but it changed the events in the dream!

Is it the “kick” you get from the feeling of falling over? (Inception mentions this)
I get that sometimes, when i’m half-dreaming, i’ll be walking somewhere, i’ll look at my feet and there’s suddenly a hole i’m stepping through, or for some reason i’m falling over, and i’m “WOAH” and wake up.

That sometimes happens to me too. It gets in the way of my WILD attempts all the time. After I get relaxed and daydream in bed for a while, it happens. It feels like somebody grabs me in the leg and tries to jerk me off my bed. Needless to say, it scares me right out of that half-asleep state.

This happens to me when i am having HI it becomes so real that my body will mistake it for real life. EX/ when i am having HI about playing mw2 sometimes my trigger finger twitches like i am shooting. Sometimes it is annoying sometimes its funnier than $#!T

Hey FunkyFreddo :happy: , nice to see that I’m not the only one…
These past few days I’ve experienced my leg super twich, and now my whole body jolting randomly before I even fall asleep. I guess what the others said are correct, the hypnagogic jerk.