Alright, so I was at my aunt’s house and some people I knew came over. I figured out it was a dream but some reason I just wanted to ride it, rather than do anything out of the ordinary. We all went on a yellow school bus which would turn out was part of a train. The pilot did not know how to land it, and was leering how to pilot a plane. Bus (witch at this point was like a train car) got separated from the rest as they continued down the track. It slowed down and spun around. It started going really fast in the opposite direction and bent in half hitting a pole from the golden gate bridge. At that point I woke up, in latin class and had a memory that I had been their before and Jeff had just helped me get a lucid dream. I shook his hand and at that point a false memory that I had to pay him was inserted In my mind. I put on my pants. I glanced up and saw the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and another false memory was placed in me (that she had been their the whole day). I glanced at the TV and thought I’m still dreaming. I decided to watch the ad that was on and keep that thought n my head. Then I looked at my hand–five fingers, not porportionate. I glanced over at the teacher and jumped up and started kicking her breasts back and fourth and I stated either I’m insane or am still dreaming. She left what was a class room that became a TV set. I got the scariest feeling I’ve ever felt (my eyes are watering now thinking about it) and looked at Katelyn and begged “This is a dream?” She said (exactly how she acts in real life) in a whiny, fed up tone “of course it is, Trevor” I looked into her face and thought that I might be awake and am just completely insane. Her face started to melt/ fold into itself and I punched it as her eyes vanish into her head. Thinking what have I done, I’ve punch a person, I’m insane but thats no excuse. The emotion I felt here is a fear that I cannot describe. I then woke up.
Sorry this was so long but how can I stop false awakenings especially when my mind is so clever as to suggest I’m insane, and put false memories in me. The feeling that I had lost my mind was so real, and is scaring me right now–I’m not sure I’m awake now, and I’m not sure that the universe wasn’t punishing me for trying to become lucid in real life (I’m convinced it’s possible). Help me.