False Awakenings

I have been having a lot of FAs lately (sometimes 3 or 4 a night), but each time I have them, they consist of nothing more than me waking up in my bed, recording a little of my dream, and then becoming so tired I fall back asleep. Then when I wake up in the morning, I think I have all these dreams down and there’s not a single line written.

I put a note that says Do A Reality Check on my DJ, but it won’t appear in my dreams, and when I wake up from FAs I’m always so tired that I can’t concentrate or remember the fact that I have FAs all the time!

Does anyone have any suggestions or information? What are FAs caused by, how can I learn to concentrate when I just wake up w/o destroying my dream recall, etc.?

Any information is greatly appreicated.

Get into the habit of taking a RC EVERYTIME you wake up. Even in the morning. If you wake up, take a RC. Always. After a while, you’ll have that set deep in your mind, and you’ll start taking them in your FA’s too :happy:.

I’ve gotten lucid from that a fair few times :grin:. And FA LD’s are cool, cos you get to explore the dream version of your bedroom ^_^.