False LDs?

I became aware of my dreaming 3 times this morning, but then began to wonder if I was having a dream about becoming lucid. Is that possible. These ones didn’t have that feeling of awareness…that rush. But maybe I am just getting used to it now.

the exact same thing happened to me thismorning…

i went to bed in a dream… and woke up ( in the dream) and did an rc,… and i realized i was dreaminb…But… i thought reality was still when i had just went to bed (in the dream)…

so i didn’t have that much controll…, and it didnt feel the same as how i normally feel in a Ld…,

it was weird… so i think there is such things as dreaming lucid dreaming… which is a dream about being lucid but not acutally being lucid… if that makes sense…