So I’m about 5 and my Dad is mowing the lawn, and I go out there and I accidently touch the lawn mower and my Mom rushes me to the nearest sink, and tries to help with the burn. This is like the worst burn I’ve ever felt in my life. The burn still had a stinging sensation even after I washed my hands. It had to be a real incident, because everything was so real. I asked my Mom about it and she said she doesn’t remember that. She thinks it was a dream. I can remember everything that happened in the dream, where the lawn mower was, which sink, what it felt like. All of this stuff, and my Mom thinks it wasn’t real. I just realized now, that it must have been a dream, because my parents probably would have taken me to the hospital, not only that, my Mom doesn’t remember it. It is amazing now that I think about it. I must have had this dream, about 5-10 years ago, and I just now remember it.
My babysitter was from Sri Lanka, I thought I had been there until I was 10 when I realized it must have been a dream as my parents told me I’ve never been there…
I think this is a similar sort of thing to what happened to me once; I woke up in the middle of the night, as I often did at that age, and walked over to the window to look outside. When I got there I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I looked and there was a small wooden clown (about a foot high, with a spherical head, and painted on face) at the end of the inside window sill, and now it ran along the window sill past me, turning it’s head to look at me. I grabbed it’s arm, but it was really strong and nearly pulled me over before I let go in terror. It then disappeared at the end of the window. I just shot into my bed and hid under the sheets, and fell back to sleep.
I remembered this when I got up in the morning. I thought it had actually happened, and to be honest I’m still not sure, over ten years later. It was so real, unlike any dream I’ve ever had before or since. Only now I think I have a less scary explanation to it being real. I think it was perhaps a so called OBE, although I’m unsure about the true nature of them. I’ve voluntarily had an OBE quite recently, which was really just a LD that started in my bed. I think that OBEs on the Astral Plane are really just WILD that start in your imagination’s interpretation of your real physical surroundings, from memory, but this felt slightly different. If OBEs are indeed a projection onto the Astral Plane, then it’s still almost as scary.