False memories

Ha ha… know the feeling all too well.

when i was back in my school days, i have woke up on a saturday morning at 7am, got dressed for school and went downstairs only to find my dad saying “what are you doing- u dont have to go to school on a saturday!” and with a half dazed look of realization on my face, made my way back to bed to an echo of laughter behind me

I also was convinced that it had snowed all night and that there was about 6 inch of snow settled outside. As soon as i woke up, i threw back the curtains expecting a white coat covering everything, only to realise it is the middle of summer, sun shining and not a cloud in the sky.

Doesnt happen to me much anymore, and im kinda glad… but all you can do is laugh!!

I had a dream where I looked in the fridge and found some ego waffles, and I was not aware I was dreaming. I then woke up and was wondering where my ego waffles went… then I relized the ego waffles thing was a dream lol. Ya thats just your dreams.

This night, I had a lucid dream full of false memories.

First, I dreamt I was in my flat, in my room, and I was searching for confirmations if it was an LD or an OBE. So I was carefully looking to objects locations and tried to remember them.
When I woke up, I realize that I didn’t know this flat at all, and never slept IRL in a room like this ! :bored:

Secondly, in my dream, when I was in the lounge, somebody was sleeping in the sofa-bed. I recognize a friend of mines who visited me yesterday, and probably because he was drunk, :tongue: :grin: came back to sleep here.
But IRL, his face is totally unknown. He even doesn’t look like anybody I know ! :eek:

Strange, isn’t it ? :confused:

Yes, sometimes dream becomes so real, or so impressing to you that it takes a while IRL to realize that it was only a fiction of your mind. Sometimes you even must “see” for yourself is it so actually, or not IRL.

I have visited several places in my childhood dreams over and over again. They became so real that i even thought that i actually visited those places. It might be so for one case (where my dreams reminded me of a place i visited in very early childhood and it was washed away from my active memory). But in other cases those are just strong emotions i have got from those dreams.

My dad died when i was teenager, and i kept seeing the same dream that he is missing and none knows where he went. I wake up and the emotion is so strong that i almost believe that it happened IRL, and he is actually not dead, but missing.

And several more cases what i don’t remember atm…

I had an extremely vivid memory of tipping tea over a doctors head when I was 2 or younger, from an upstairs window while he waited at the front door. I mentioned it to Mum a couple years ago and it turns out it never happened. I must have dreamt it.

That’s perhaps another phenomenum. The RL memory you told about make me remember of such strange early childhood memories. I’m pretty sure that these memories are mixed with fantasies.

But it’s possible to have false memories IRL : few years ago, I complained for two monthes to my friends that I have been in a bookshop, but didn’t buy a very interesting Freud book I saw. When I decided to come back in this shop and buy the book, it didn’t exist at all ! :eek:
I was amazed, cause I could exactly remember and figure myself seeing this book on the shelving, and hesitating to buy it or not. :bored:

The perception of FM reality seems to be as strong as everyday issues with memory. Maybe it has something to do with a part of the ‘dreaming brain’ failing somewhere, and allowing these strange things to happen.

Everyone knows that feeling where they wake up convinced they own something or can do something from a dream. I guess it really points out all the different layers of control that we can ‘control’, lol if you understand what i mean.