False memories

I had a dream where I remembered that I had a motorcycle( don’t have one IRL). And when I woke up I was convinced that I really had had one a few years ago. I felt really confused and started thinking. After a while I realised that I had never driven it and that it was one of my friends that have it. So I really had to convince myself that it never happened IRL even if it felt like it had happened.
Has this happened to anyone else?

oooooOooooh yes many many times lol. one time i was awake right but sorta still asleep and i thought well i knew that my radio alarm was just bout to go off. 2am in da morningm and then i had to switch ot off, but to do it i needed to use one of the remote locking things u use for your car, so i went to my draw and was looking for it and couldnt find it and then i was like. WTF what am i doing i dont need this this must be some weird after efft from my dream.

so i went back to bed, and left my draw open just in case :razz: woke up in the morning and felt like such a tool :happy:

i have had heaps more but i let someone else in first :happy:

LOL Timeless_Soul :happy:
Yeah I’ve had lots of these false memories too. For instance, a few days ago I knéw I was a Formula 1 pilot already for many years. I was driving in my McLaren and later on talked to Schumacher & co as if we were old friends. I felt so stupid when I woke up… This was the perfect dreamsign to become lucid!

lol now taht is cool. But i so dont get it, i have had these FM when i have been lucid, and while awake, pretty dangours really, i would love to think i was like some dude that could REALLY fly and think i could so much i go jump off a building and find out i was wrong. I mean i know memorys are biologial and that but to be altered so much it is amazing

The brain can do powerful things :smile: I wonder if scientists have a proper explanation for those false memories? If I recall right, they don’t even know where the memory is “situated” (if you might call it that way)…

hmm i was reading a new scientist that did explain that damn it where di that go, oh well, they did find an area actually a few, it seems to be spread out, but the hipocampus(sp) is an area to do with memories. I know there was a basic theory to explain it… maybe i dreamed that up…where is that mag gone!!! :grrr:

This happens to me often too,

I will dream of something and then it will remind me of something,
when I wake up the memory I remembered was never even there.

I believe this could be memories of dreams we have either forgotten or never remembered in RL.


I had a few of this when i was young aswell, some of them still seems real today, even though they where totally false

Strange indeed :smile:

Rarely, and then only seem to last a few seconds after waking up (and then I realise that they hadn’t actually happened). Nothing amazing for me - usually just wake up then say something stupid.

I once dreamt I could ride my bike without putting both of my hands on the handle bars. I did so in RL 9thinking I could) and fell off.

When I was young, I also once woke up quite soon after reading Harry Potter. I for some reason, woke up convinced I had to make a paper airoplane, write a message on it and chuck it out og my window. I did so. I then asked my mother where Hagrid was. Lol.

Wierd, even though I was awake, my rationality hadn’t returned yet. Now I think about it, I could have possibly been a dream.

You cant in real life? :eek:

No, I can’t cycle while having my hands off of the handle bars. I probably could, but I’ve never tried. There’s no need for it.

what did the note on the paper say?

I had a dream a few months ago where I visited a house where my friends lived (it doesn’t exist in RL).
In this dream I remember thinking that I hadn’t been to that house for months and couldn’t work out why I’d forgotten about the house for all this time.
When i woke up and thought about it I realised it was cos i dreamed about that house a year or so ago.

My dream this morning was confusing. I still don’t know if the story came from the radio that was on in RL or not. It was one of those dreams where you’re the observer or listener.

I’m not sure I wrote a note. I’m now convinced it was a dream. As I just made a plane, and chucked it out of the window. I don’t think I wrote a note on it. I do remember it was for Dumbledore. There was some kind of emergancy.

Maybe I’ve long gone insane. :puh:

That happend to me once .
I dreamed that I was fighting karate at a tournament (I had watched Karate Kid that night) , then , when I woke up , I almost aked my brother : Hey , has this ever happend for real ?
Have you guys ever dreamed that you went to school , and then when you woke up you didn’t have to ?

Hmm, this happened to me this morning actually :smile:
Yesterday, me and some friends ordered tickets for a rock festival (Roskilde Festival), and this morning i woke up, being convinced that i was going to the festival later today (it’s in 3 months!), so i looked at my watch, and thought that i could sleep and hour extra, but then i also had to get up. When i woke up again, i felt kinda stupid, but it still took me a while to find out that it really wasn’t today. weird :razz:

I often have dreams like this… they really mess you up for a minuite, make you think your going crazy lol…well at least for me!

Had one the other day Thought i was pregnant when i woke up… talk about feeling sick when i woke up, I was so scared!

More often I am having dreams at night and not being able to shake the reality that they didn’t really happen.