fAO anyone who believes in remote viewing...

But most people know he is fake. He is just using simple cold reading technics, and from what i have heard the show itself is edited quite a bit before it is put on the tv.

He is earning money on being unhonest and lying people straight in their face.

Hey! Did you ever even watch the show? I give that it’s not an exact art but what the hell it meant alot to alot of people. I watched it with a great deal of skepticism too and I will not say for sure that it wasn’t some cold reading (some answers were just too neat, but then again would you give the bad news if you didn’t have to?) but he was very specific quite often and I would love to see the edited reels. And besides alot of those people in the audience were skeptics to begin with too and the only way it wasn’t real for them was if they were actors.