fAO anyone who believes in remote viewing...

It is unspeakably important that you listen to the following show on Coast to Coast radio TONIGHT!


This is a re-run of an interview with the worlds best Psychic Remote Viewer, Aaron C Donahue (who has proven his ability to see the future by posting 5 or 6 consecutive lottery results on the day before they were made, and has many correct predictions including George Bush being re-elected, and Michael Jackson being found innocent) which contains information you NEED to hear as a spiritually aware human being.

Aaaron Donahue was a student with Ed Dames, but since leaving him several years ago Ed Dames has not had a single verifyable hit. Aaron has had many.

I think he’s a fruitcake.

shrugs it might be possible, no one really knows for sure, there is a big subc out there and we have to do alot to train it to do what we want. For example some people believe lucid dreaming conciously but the subc doesnt believe it until it gets the picture its like diffusion in the brain lol.

There has been records of remote viewing in history. but that art usually dies with those who have it. And for those of us who hope to learn by trying things probably will not happen. Its like trying to learn spanish without ever hearing it or reading it, if it does exsist it would be hard for us to learn without a mentor.

I have a pdf manual on how to remote view… I know the government used it in kidnapping cases and it was found to be very accurate, wish I knew the lottery numbers :sad:

  • Silva

Silva, would you share that pdf file with us? I am very interested in these things.


Ive uploaded it to my site so hopefully the bandwidth doesnt run out (Im sure it wont)

Remote Viewing Manual


  • Silva

Hmm an interesting read silva, thanks for the link

That’s not remote viewing. Remote viewing is the alleged psychic ability to perceive places, persons and actions that are not within the range of the senses, in the present.

Actually from what i read, they found it highly inaccurate… which is why they stopped funding such experiments…

I am highly skeptical of prognostication.
I believe that the universe is run on a series of mathmatical equations, thousands upon thousands of variables, and shear dumb luck.
With proper “luck” or ability to recognize these equations, whither or not you are actual are aware that you are doing so can possibly lead to the ability to guess the outcome of certain events. Some of it is simpler then that, bush’s reelection… that is just playing the odds. Michael Jackson’s innocence? The accusers mother could have told you that with her testimony, again just playing the odds.


That could be the definition of remote viewing.

if he knew the lottery why didnt he play?

Haha I second that. I keep being amazed how so many people (mostly New Agers) use psychology to trick the public to believe their stuff and worship them as gurus. What Donahue is doing may still be pretty harmless, but we all know to which extremities this might lead if the hunger for power and money really takes over his mind. Just think about the People’s Temple, Heaven’s Gate or the Order of the Solar Temple. Although often not thát extreme, these mind games can still cause much harm and suffer to the innocent and naive people who fell for the charisma of those so-called psychic phenomena…
I suggest you read something about the contemporary wizards, fortune tellers and holy gurus from India, and the battle some people are fighting against their delusional and dangerous mind games which only purpose is to trick as many people as they can so to earn as much money as possible.

I couldn’t charge anyone if my skills were as in-tune as this man claims. It wouldn’t be right. I don’t think so anyway. I don’t like it when they start going on tv, radio, internet, etc…

IDK, Take John Edward for example, (whatever happened to him anyway, I loved that show!) If someone is in such demand that people were hounding him all the time then making a flat rate to keep it fair who he saw and allow him to do it full time would be an honorable thing to do. Man’s gotta eat. But if they treated people with more money different then that’s very bad. But even with a special gift like that the temptation is there to do it I’m sure. Though if they are lying to get money, of course they should be shot…JK…well sort of.

But that’s just it. With a gift like his once they start going public the true hell begins. I can understand if you were using it to truly help someone and then leaving it up to them whether they want to pay you or not.

Earning a living is essential for survival but not by exploiting your talents.

Just to clear a few points mentioned (not had the net for a while, so sorry this didnt come sooner!)

And i also cant remember who said what so i’ll paraphrase the subjects that have come up…

“He cant tell the future, he’s simply a good guess”

The examples you quoted, this is true for, yes. But there are other examples which are beyond explanation - for example, the lottery thing - he posted the correct numbers on his website 6 days in a row, with millions witnessing it, those who visited. Surely this cannot be guess work? And also, when he predicted that George Bush was going to be re-elected, he was the only psychic doing so.

“If he can see the lottery, why doesn’t he play it?”

He does! That is his sole source of income. He has posted videos on his website in the past of him taking in like 50+ winning tickets in a big shoebox. He is teaching people to be able to do the same, but is smartly restricting how much clarity they’ll be able to get because he doesnt want to crash the lottery systems as they’re important. He simply states, “You wont be able to win millions, just enough for basic substance. It’s enough to live on.”

“Thats not Remote Viewing”

You’re right. One problem with making a post like i did is there’s so many aspects to cover so you try and do it in as much of a nutshell as i can manage. One point i skipped for these reasons was that Aaron has developed a more advanced version of Remote Viewing which he calls PAN (the practical application of non-historical data), and he refers to RV as a dead practise which is merely a rung in the ladder, a step to something more accurate. It’s absurd that people would think this wouldnt evolve and it has. He has said many times that RV is too flawed to get 100% accurate results, where as PAN is much clearer.

He’s also stated that you need to leave your belief system at the door when you do this, because it will taint what you think you’re going to see. This is one thing he loves the most, because he says Christians cannot win the lottery - their belief system wont allow it.

“It’s wrong to ask for money and go public”

Actually, i dont know where you got the impression any money was required (unless you opted to listen to coast to coast online, which i believe you have to pay for, but is nothing to do with aaron), but Aaron has been working as non-profit for many many years. He is now releasing a series of books and instructional audio CD’s on learning PAN, and more importantly on building your immune system to survive coming plagues, and the money being made from these will go into building temples, and also in improving technology for his own radio show at radioaaron.com, which is constantly plagued by technical difficulties. He is charging less than $10 for these books and audio CD’s. These books are by no means compulsory, they’re simply for people who want to learn all the stages of remote viewing to PAN.

And actually, you’ll find Aaron very rarely in the media, because he’s been banned for the fact he’s a Luciferian. He has appeared on Coast to Coast twice (he is now banned, purely because George Snorey, Art Bell and others are too Christian to handle what he has to say), and a show in Japan called TVAsahi where he located a missing person on live TV, in a country which has no street names or house numbers. These are his only media appearences His weekly radio show (which he says will soon become 24 hour entertainment for various Luciferian hosts) is completely free to listen to and is just that, an internet radio show.

“Skeptical of precognition”

Aaron has also stated that the futures he see’s are probable futures. They are changeable if people get the message in time. He is currently attempting to “awaken” enough people to prevent world war 3 (which will happen between China and the USA, and the USA will lose, he says), because a nucleur war would all but destroy the planets ability to sustain life.

A few more footnotes, if you will…

Aaron actually never asks for money. He refuses to search for missing children within the media because it’s child exploitation - he will only do missing children cases in private. Also you all seem to be under the impression he’s like a god or something or cult leader… incorrect… Aaron has ALWAYS stated that he is no more special than you or i, just that he has learnt to use more of his brain. We ALL have this ability, we’ve just forgotten what we’re capable of. To quote the Book of The Law, “every man and woman is a star”.

Sorry for the lengthy reply! As i said it’s a complex subject…

A quick word on Luciferianism… and let me say first, i know some of you christians out there will be offended by this. A few of you probably will be even if you’re not, but understand that i’m not telling you this as solid fact, but rather the mytholgy of Luciferianism. This is here for your reading, and then your choise to discard or look into further.

As i said before, Aaron has been banned from basically all media outlets in the USA because the Christian-controlled broadcast companies cant get past the name ‘Lucifer’. It is infact a seperate entity to the Lucifer of the bible, and infact Lucifer isnt even it’s name.

The one thing Aaron is doing is trying to stop people from killing the planet, and to remember who they are, to know thyself as he often says. How people can brand Luciferians as evil is still beyond me!

Luciferian mythology is far too complex to go into fully so i’ll just give you guys the basics. There’s a theory that’s been floating around for years, that at some point in our evolution our DNA was altered to create human beings. This is nothing radical, and is certainly not implausable - many scientists put forward this theory, because there is a sudden leap forward and change over such a short and comparitively impossible space of time that natural evolution is just impossible. One popular theory is that Aliens planted their DNA in the primates living here - this is true, according to the information gathered by Aaron and his students.

Lucifer is the name of the Alien that put his DNA on the planet, except it’s not its real name (it’s name, Donahue explains, is actually a 72-toned song… as many of you know, the number 72 turns up a lot in the occult) but rather something it presents itself as to make us look towards Venus. Lucifer is the old latin for “The Morning Star”, which of course is Venus. It has been suggested that as a result of global warming, Earth will one day have an atmosphere like Venus - and that is why this entity presents itself as Lucifer. It’s a warning of what will happen if we do not keep the planet alive and healthy.

The old question is what is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is persuit of the answer, because if you know then life would be meaningless. And that is our purpose - information gatherers. Donahue says we were created as an experiment by Lucifer so that the universe might see itself through our eyes and understand itself better.

The planet is important to us because the planet generates our soul - this i believe is an explanation as to why lots of people i know that meditate and astral project have described a feeling of being one with everything - and if the planet dies, the soul dies. The belief the soul is eternal is false.

And so thats the simple stuff (… yes, i know!). There’s more meatier elements, like what went wrong (its truly compelling stuff), but i know people have attention spans, so i’ll shut the fuck up now.

Lastly, Luciferianism is about understanding that the divinity is within. So if you’re interested, you need to realises that the God that christians and other religions looks externally for is within all of us - dont simply hear and accept (the basis of faith), but question everything. Know thyself!

And thanks for reading… as you can tell, it’s impossible to shut me up when i get going. :\ I really hope no one takes exception to that.

It’s ok, I’d never heard of Luciferianism, before reading this. It was kinda a surprise in the remote viewing topic. I respect your beliefs. I just have a problem myself with organized religions and any person who says they have all the answers. Not that you did or anything just you know “leaders”.

Organised religion is a big no no, and i’m not sure if you’re under the impression that’s what this is, but it’s definately not.

And i understand it may seem that way, but it’s really not a case of having someone who knows all the answers. No one can ever know the answers that are not apparent to anyone else without a level of faith being involved and a main aspect of Luciferianism is questioning everything and chosing your own path. “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law”, as Aleister Crowley wrote.

I really dont want anyone to think there’s any faith, or even blind following involved here (and im not suggesting you said this, either) - it really is a matter of listening to what’s being said, and then finding it out for yourself, chosing your own path. Nothing that has been said here cannot be Remote Viewed via PAN when you’re developed enough. I experience that “a-ha!” feeling a lot.

Luciferianism actually very similar to Satanism. (That’s true Satanism, i mean, Anton LaVey’s original concept, not the few idiots who carve pentagrams into their backs that make it into the news!)