I was researching why I am getting these flashes of images right before I wake up and I saw your post , to me it feels like my life is flashing in snapshots but I can’t remember what the pictures are when I wake up
Have you found out what your is related to?
Thanks for posting
Hi Phyllis - I can’t seem to find a pattern. The images seem to be random. No relation to anything I was thinking about. Seems like some automatic process that the brain or “the mind” creates – like it is what we pull from to create backdrops for our dreams?
Yes. This happens to me too. It seems like it’s when I’m at the space of just about to fall asleep, or just waking and trying to coming out of sleep. It happened this AM when the alarm went off and I laid in bed trying to wake up. It’s fast reels of images flashing one by one in my minds eye. The reel and image always goes the same speed. If I focus on it and try to slow it down I can see the images more clearly. In the past it was like flashes of a camera image of life. Someone else’s life because it is things I haven’t experienced in my life. One would be an old man smiling holding a balloon the next a kid kicking a stone, then a scruffy dog running by. Each one separate from the other, unrelated. There is also the sensation that I am vibrating, like in a certain frequency when this occurs. I can feel it. This morning it was less imagery and more geometric shapes scrambled. I’ve searched for a post about this for years finding nothing, now was able to find a lot of people experiencing it. I have always just accepted it as a download or upload. Like I am the vessel to store the memory for now. I don’t understand it. I wonder if it’s constantly going on in the background of my self all the time and maybe when I’m at that space between awake and conscious that I can notice it. That is what I think is happening. I wish I could find an answer but for now I will just be grateful to experience it and have a knowing that when the time is right for me to understand it, I will.
My experience seems to be a little different. Once every ten years, I wake up and then a single still image blocks my vision for a few seconds. It’s always, in my a posteriori interpretation, an image related to a choice I have to make for my life. The image can be dreamlike or like real life.
I have this happen to me with severe migraine attacks, or if I’m ill. It’s very annoying. It seems almost seizure like.