I’m new to this website, and was just wondering which techniques or combination of techniques would be best for lucid dreaming. I first visited the site and learned about lucid dreaming about 2 weeks ago, and have been trying to become Lucid, but nothing yet.
I have been lucid before, and it’s amazing. But it didn’t last long, and couldn’t stay lucid. Plus, I never knew people could be lucid everynight.
My current technique is to run this program before I sleep called “Dreamwatcher” that I downloaded from this website. I tried that a couple of times, but the volume was too loud and woke me up (gotta turn it down next time ). Another technique is to look at my hands and ask myself if I am dreaming several times a day.
if there were a single answer to that question, i assure you there wouldn’t be as many techniques and combination of techniques in existence that there are. people are going to answer that question differently. what works best for me, might not work best for you. what i swear by, may be of no value to you. that being said… i swear by the use of a DJ and i think RCs and MILD are good.
nothing yet ??? are you sure ??? if your dream recall has improved, i’d say that was something indeed. if you had an ND where you thought something was strange and got distracted and forgot about what you were questioning, i’d say that was something too. i think a big mistake that people make is that they’re so concerned w/ their goal, that they miss sights along the way. only seeing that they’re not there yet, and not noticing where they are or how far they’ve come (i’m guilty of that myself at times)
yeah… be patient. lucidity (in my experience) is not something that came to me in a manner that was either fast or consistent. practice for the joy of practice, not to just reach a goal
Thank you. I just have to relax and take it easy I guess. I’m just too anxious about having a LD because I’ve experienced it before and I know how great a feeling it is. I defintely have to try a Dream Diary because I’m realizing more and more that I can’t remember that much from a dream unless something significant happened. Thanx for the