what are your favorite dream genres…fantasy…science fiction…horror… ECT… i tend to like science fiction and horror
Hm, Iv’e had alot of dreams about Horror, even though I don’t like horror movies or watch them, I have alot about them.
Weird thing though, when I have horror dreams im not really scared at all, even when some guy with his face burnt of kills a few people then comes after me, I just laugh and run away
yeah i recently had a dream with an old lady who all the suden jumped at my face and screamed a scream not possible by human vocal chords and when i woke up i was shaking and i loved it i get thrills from being scared alot
i like all my dreams, they are fun. Horror.
horror is my favorite, i know that nothing can really hurt me but i still feel pain in dreams so they are fun i like to be scared.
movies don’t scare me so i turn to my dreams
some of them worked there way into my stories lol.
though it freaks me out when somet happens in a dream to hurt me and i wake up still feeling pain in that area.
yeah ive been hurt in a dream before i was socked in the stomach and it still hurt for a few minutes after i woke up
my favorite dream genres would have to be action dreams(like james bond and stuff like that.) and erotic dreams (you know what these are…).
i haven’t had many lucids yet, so the horror dreams i’ve had weren’t too fun, but they sound fun when lucid.
Apart from sexual dreams, I prefer dreams with fantasy content… Knights, ladies & dragons.
i dont have erotic dreams. i’m 21 and have only ever had 4 erotic dreams.
i really want some too now, i feel like i’m missing out…
I love horror ones(as i like horror movies and books)-i just like to be scared.Horrors go deep to your emotions and i like dealing with it.Second best are fantasy like ones-i get them rarely but if i do they are extremely beautifull if it comes to scenery,colours,views.
gotta be adventure, haven’t tried horror but as of now adventure is the funnest. its um well an adventure!
Horror is only my favorite while lucid. heh. When you’re lucid it’s more thrilling than scary. My next favorite would have to be adventure. Dragons, unicorns and swordplay. Love it.