What are your favorite LD induction techniques? For me it would be MILD because with MILD I can have LD’s at will. IF I wake up in the middle of the night I use WILD
I have two. I start with a DILD based on a dream sign, and when I start to wake up, I use WILD, and repeat as many times as possible.
the weird thing with me is, if i do nothing to induce a dream, i seem to just remember my dreams anyway, and when i put effort into trying to induce a dream and/or LD, i dont remember my dreams. I KNOW if i tried the WILD it would work for me, but as ive said before in other posts, i live with other people, therfore i cannot set my alarm to go off at 6.00am. thanks to a helpfull suggestion from Thomas, i am looking into getting a watch with a vibrating alarm on it. this should silently wake me up .
I am positive when i try the WILD method, it will work form me. . . IM SURE OF IT!
Well like i said in my recent post, WBTB seems to be extremely easy so far for me, but waking up and keeping yourself awake is kind of annoying but usually worth it. Also like i mentioned after i wake up i do a million RC’s until i fall back asleep which i think had a major affect. I havne’t had much luck at all with any other methods. Any previous LD’s were just luck for me. Ive came close with WILD, which seems like a very good method, but after hearing some crazy hypnotic sounds or whatever it is called it was pretty hard to continue. Still testing stuff out though…
MILD by far has given me the most LD’s so I would definitely go with that. I had some success with WILD, but I’m not good enough at it to make it as reliable as I find MILD to be.
Also RC’s are important to do as well. I don’t beleive in spamming them every 5 seconds, but it is important to find one reliable dreamsign that won’t fail you so you can use it as a RC. For me my hands always work well. In a dream, if I focus on one finger the others become blurry and wavy. So far it has never failed to make me lucid.
So… MILD with RC’s is my answer
My favourite technique is to sleep in really long…
And my least favourite technique would be the WBTB.
steff, when it come to WILD, there are a range of sounds you can get (buzzing,scrams, roaring and glorious music etc.) These sounds are just imaginary so there is no need to be afraid. Also after a few WILD’s you will ignore the sound and vibrations for the most part. WILD, once you learn to do it is an excellent method because it allwos you to enter the dream state fully Lucid, which gives you more control and a much more vivd dream. If WILD seems to work for you stick with it.
i used to use RC but now nothing, i gain lucidity in my dreams now just by dreamin and getting Pi**ed at my self for not doing it enough. I have low lv lucid dreams often but the high lvs? well i still RC for them I cant mild and wild only worked twice
In my last LD, I had almost successfully WILDed. There were no sounds, just visuals - a wireframe 3D environment thing, but I blinked my eye and it disappeared. Then I went into a dream unconsciously but I realised I was dreaming and became lucid.
It is possibble that there won’t be sound or vibrations but it seems to be reletivly rare when that happens with most people
yea but those sounds are crazy. im trying to concentrate and hopefully fall asleep then i hear a plane crash in my bedroom and naturally my heart jumps and im completely woken up. dont know what i can do about that…what do you suggest i do to be sucessful with WILD, like when i wake up and try it…how exactly to do it…etc…
thanks alot
Well, you know me. I’m WILD-a-holic. So… my favorite inducing technique is WILD.
Become ammune to it. Expect it and just listen, all the while knowing they are just in your mind. Think of it as the sound of your thoughts.
so, from what ive read on the fourm, and basically half the internet, WBTB seems to be the most powerful method for inducing and LD
[color=red]But heres a question for you!:[/color]
Why does the WBTB mehod work so well, whats the “science” begind the wake back to bed method???
Thats a Q thats been going around in my head.
Actually, just thinking about it, maybe if we knew the answer to the above Q. the maybe the WBTB method may not work as well as it did when we didnt know the answer?
I don’t know for sure, but I believe the deal with WBTB is that by staying awake longer, you become more fully awake and you are less deeply asleep when you go back to sleep–just a little more conscious and you’re more likely to LD.
That is correct Monitor, the other thing that WBTB does is give you super long REM periods like an hour or more so you have more time to realize the dream.
ahhh i see. i tried WBTB last night, but it didnt work very well, not as well as i hoped. heres what happened:
i woke at about 5.00 am accidentially [i fell asleep at about 11.30 - 12.00pm], i didnt intend on waking up, but i said as im awake i might aswell try WBTB. i remembered a dream where i was in a circualre enclosed stadium [ i say circular because there was no stage, just different coloured seats]. i concentrated on this dream, and what would i do if i became lucid in it. so i stayed up 45 mins and fell asleep after about 55 mins. before i fell asleep i tried concentrating on mild. when i woke up, i didnt remember a dream until about an hour later i remembered a dream where i was in school. So, 2 fuzzy dreams dreams no luciditiy, what went wrong here?
ohhh by the way, before i went to bed, i listened the to most of the stepehen la berge interview with george noory.
WBTB is not guarenteed to give you LDs, it just gives you a large increase in LD chances
Polyphasic sleep
Instead of sleeping the usual 6 - 9 hours a night and maybe an afternoon nap, I take 3-4 30minute powernaps and one 2-hour nap everyday with the naps roughly equally spaced throughout the 24 hour clock. As you might imagine, it’s very tough to adjust to… but after about a week, your body will readjust by increasing the percentage of REM sleep and you’ll feel refreshed upon waking out of your naps. From my experience, once I’ve reached this point, I’d average a couple of spontaneous but short lucid dreams each week. I’m not sure of the long-term consequences and I revert back to a normal 8-hour schedule when I’m not at school. You may have read about the default version of this polyphasic schedule which involves 20 minute naps every 4 hours but I haven’t had much success with that, since 20 minutes isn’t enough time for the body to enter stage 3 or 4 deep sleep (hence I have the 2 hour nap.) For more info, you can check out: kuro5hin.org/story/2002/4/15/103358/720