favorite music too listen to while...

what is your favorite music styes too listen too while playing video games,what get you in the groove?

Dimmu borgir,chinese pop,and korean pop,death metal,blacl metal you know good stuff.

I like putting on the Silent hill sound tracks for horror games,and some hard rock for action games.

I don’t really play video games but if I’m trying to concentrate on something like… I dunno sketching or reading I’ll put on some jazz or classical.


Naw. Doubt it.

ANyways, Powermetal. For games LIke devil may cry, I gots to hit the Dimmu. Games like DW have good enough soundtracks on their own. Besides that, anything works well enough as long as it doesn’t suck.

Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir and Borknagar

The only games I have played recently with any seriousness are:

Tetris. I always listen to music with this one. In fact, I just do it while I’m listening to music because it gives my hands and eyes something to do and takes as little or as much conscious thought as you want to give it. So I listen to almost anything with this one.

Ico. This game has very little music, but excellent and naturalistic sounds. You can hear the wind blowing, birds twittering, the sea washing below you, your footsteps, etc. So I don’t listen to music with this one.

Rez. This game is somewhat psychedelic, in a techy/geeky sort of way. It has very big loud techno music which fits the game very well. Except there’s one semi-secret level which has a very lovely ambient feel to it, which I like a lot.

when i listen to music i am more likely to pick up the guitar. When i play vid games i rarely play music as i tend to let myself get immersed in the game adn thus wouldn’t even notice the music.

Give or take the radio in GTA:VC anyways lol and thats usually on the rock station.