Favorite superhero

Isn’t Flash the son of Magneto, from the X-Men? I seem to remember an episode of the tv series that revolved around that.

Mine is Cyclops from X-men. he has lasor eyes. :smile:

Nope. Barry Allen and Wally west got their powers by a freak chemical/lightning strike accident…

Oh and the Barry Allen flash does die in the comics(Crisis on Infinite Earths). But luckily his nephew(I’m pretty sure wally is the nephew) takes his place.

The new batman movie “The Dark Knight” is going to be awesome! Watch this bootleg trailer.youtube.com/watch?v=feL55reqi_o. The real deal will be out tomorrow or some day next week! Good GOD!

Batman has to be the best superhero by far, mainly for the simple fact that he ISN’T super at all.

Hiro, from the TV show HEROES. He can travel through time.

I also like Peter Patrelli (his last name is probably spelled wrong) he is from HEROES too.

they are not comic book sulper heroes, but they are still AWESOME!

I love magneto!
the joker looks pretty cool in the dark night, looking forward to it :content:

lol how did batman beat Superman??? i really want know that
as for my fave its gotta be YODA!!!

but then again who cares about heroes??? its all about the Villains!!, SEPHIROTH B****! has anyone else noticed that the bad guy is ALMOST always cooler than the hero?

I’d have to say King Arthur

Fu*k yeah.

spawns awesome :happy:

I think Jackie Estacado of “The Darkness” ties with Spawn for my favorite.

I’ve got a penchant for dark, complex, borderline psychotic comic book heroes. :happy:

ZOMG i was thinking when i posted for this, i know theres a dark good guy but what was his name??? i’d put Jackie tied with YODA

Who hasn’t :love:

lol the smiley you put totally misleads your statement lol

Batman beat superman with is superior mind, his skill, and his fists. Batman actually used a kryptonite ring and pounded it into his face!

I love Hiro Nakamura and Peter Petrelli too. Series 1 Hiro just isn’t dark enough, though and Peter Petrelli has gotten more powerful than is neccesary; he’s virtually unbeatable.
A much better character than either of those is the Hatian. Silent and mysterious; his only powers are to block the powers of others and to remove their memories. Blocking powers is great because it automatically creates an even fight no matter who he is up against and the stealing of memories is pretty dark gift to have.
The Hatian is not my favourite character but for most of series 1 he lived up to what I expect from a superhero; dark, mysterious, tortured, strong and silent.

I don’t think I should be in this topic as I’m really not much of a comic reader. Seeing as I’m only familiar with the more popular heroes, I have to pick Batman. Although, someone here mentioned Niel Gaiman. I haven’t seen much of his work but I did some research into the character, Death and she’s pretty cool.

My allstar, all time Superhero will be always Super Jesus, because he actually saved me from the biggest villain of all time.
But talking about comic heroes, i don’t have a specific one but i do like Peter Petrelli and Hiro nakamura form Heroes nbc show.

My favourite hero is sora from kingdom hearts, although i really like blossom from powerpuff girls as well :yes:

I dont like batman and spiderman or superman etc, too classic… :no: