Well, if you are generally fearful about LD there is a good chance that is going to hold you back. That said, remember that there is nothing to fear in LD - you can’t get possessed, you can’t die, the work that might happen is something could hurt. Dreams are 100% safe…think of it this way, if you had to deal with something in a dream would you rather it be a normal dream where your helpless, or a lucid dream where you know whats going on and have the power to stop it.
Huh?? Don’t just try a technique once or for a couple of nights and then forget it. Pick MILD or WILD and work with that technique, it can take months, sometimes years to build a strong proficieny in lucid dreaming - it is like any other skill, it takes time and practice to develop and if you keep switching techniques then you won’t develop good skill with any one technique.
That said, confidence is a big deal, if you genuinely believed you were able to LD you’d probably be doing so in less than a week. The practice and experience is what ingrains the idea that you can truly LD at will, but you still need self-belief to get anywhere.
If youre afraid to have a dream that scares you, you should be afraid of dreaming, not lucid dreaming, as when youre lucid, you are able to control the entire dream.
Less afraid now?
Believe in yourself!
actually, dont believe, know.
Lucid dreaming is easy… really! get it into your brain and you will do it.
Its funny to me that youve never even had a nightmare, yet you are still terrified to have a LD…
I used to have nightmares, actually, thats how I first induced a lucid dream, like 10 years ago. I suddenly realized, hey wait, this cant be happening, ohh im dreaming.
saying and believing are two different things.
I think you were built up to believe thats its hard to have a LD.
Believing here is not in the way of believing in something greater than you, believing in a powerful force that can make you have a LD, its simply believing in you.
Im telling you, Lucid dreaming is a very natural ability and can be EASILY done.
just take those words as granted. that is the truth. forget everything you ever heard about it.
When you go to sleep, just make up your mind that you will wake up in your dream, you can try picturing the dream and what it would be like to wake up in it, all in a very positive way, imagine how wonderful it will be to suddenly realize youre dreaming and to fly to the sky, creating everything you want instantly.
If you, subconsciously, do not want to have a LD, you wont have one, so if you are really afraid of having one, youre telling your SC that you dont want one and youll never have one…
If you want one, just know you want one, know youll have one, decide to have one and you will have one!