I used to be active on this forum and was interested in lucid dreaming but that died down but now I’m back!
Anyway my problem is I’m quite fearful. I’m not scared to lucid dream because its just a dream but what does scare me is sleep paralysis, I’m 15 and I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time the other day. I was struggling to sleep that night and eventually started to feel vibrations (I didn’t like this), I sleep on my side using my arm as pillow and anyway I lifted my head upon the pillow still experiencing vibrations and I couldn’t keep my eyes open and then went into sleep paralysis but I knew what it was so I said in my head “Ok keep calm and I can LD” I stayed as calm as possible but everytime I tried to move I heard a woman laugh. I then confronted the voice and told it to go away and woke up.
So my question now is how can I stop this fear and whats the best method to LD with minimum chance of Sleep Paralysis
Considering that you enter SP every time you sleep, you’d have to never sleep to have a “minimum chance” of it. That said, the only methods that ever encourage conscious SP are WILD and its variants; you need only use a DILD method to avoid this.
Well only thing you can do to get rid of the fear is to become familiar with it. So practice, do it intentionally and expect it to happen. With time you will become familiar with the experience and you will embrace the fear which will not exist any more and you will find this experience quite interesting and awesome!
Yea, pretty much what everyone has already said. SP is just a natural part of sleep. If you remember that, and keep in mind that any imagery you see or sounds you hear are nothing more than HH…there is nothing to be afraid of.
You cannot get hurt in anyway way, and it’s not like there are any side effects. Relax, enjoy it, and use it as a really easy quick way to slip right back into a strong WILD.