fear of paralysis

Howdy, Merry Christmas :happy:

I’ve been experimenting for about 2 weeks, and I had my second MILD the other day. I’m starting to try WILD, because it’s easy for me to put my body to sleep and maintain concentration.
The only thing is, when I start to feel my body get paralyzed, I really resist it. I had a few nightmares as a kid and they were really bad waking paralysis.

Has anybody else struggled with this? Any words of advice? I know I should just talk myself through it because the hypnagogia and paralysis is short, right? It’s hard to let go.

I dont think there is anything to fear. I had this bout of sleep paralysis a few nights ago and it was really cool.

I rem replying to very very similar post around a week ago.Sadly,forgotten where was it(ahh sooo many forums i knew that!!!).But if u do a little search,there was someone with same problem and i think that thread had few answers:)

and i agree-nothing to fear there:)

True, thanks guys.
I think I’m just getting used to the idea of being paralyzed.
This morning I had a false awakening- looked at the alarm-clock next to my bed and it was messed up, and then woke up again paralyzed, but it didn’t freak me out… i was just interested in it. think i’m getting closer to WILDs…
What’s been happening the past couple of nights is… my mind usually wanders as I fall asleep, and I’ll realize I’m dreaming before I go to sleep and be surprised and wake up. It’s like my brain has to be distracted before it can turn off my body and dream. It’s like my brain is trying to go lucid prematurely- that’s how it feels.
So it goes. We press on.