There is no need to over-dramatize the hallucinations, you may not even notice anything. Think about it this way. Your aim is to have lucid dreams. Dreams are hallucinations. True, SP is different from LDs, but in a way, that just makes them more interesting, even if something scary happens. My own problem with WILD has been that I freak out when it seems like I’m not breathing enough. I can’t tell if the fear is the cause or the effect. But that has really only happened when I try WILD at the beginning of the night. Then again, I can’t seem to muster the gumption to try it closer to the morning.
Sleeping on one’s back seems to cause the breathing thing, but it is so much easier to concentrate on the back than on the side. For me anyway.
What to expect is a big question. I have had all sorts of weird experiences on my hypnogogic journeys. When deep relaxation sets in, you may feel comfortably numb all over, and sort of tingly. Then you may lose feeling in your extremities and kind of wonder where they are. Your arms and legs may feel like they are moving and you are not quite sure if they really are, by some involuntary force, or if you are just hallucinating it which you assume you must, but who knows. You may see things in your mind’s eye, that become more clear as stable.
You may even start to dream a little before SP sets in. One time I saw something, and dreamed that I reached out for it, not trying to do so consciously, but my real hand moved too, involuntarily. It stopped everything, of course, but was still pretty cool. You may feel like you are moving. Sometimes REALLY FAST! You may also feel like you are disintegrating and fading away, getting to know what it means to feel “faint”.
The transition from waking to dreaming can also be really cool. It can happen in different ways. One time I was sort of half dreaming that there was some labyrinthian building, and I was sort of outside but in the walls, and to enter I ran through the wall into the room, and at once the sensations hit me and I felt truly there. Or, it may be that, you start to dream that you are laying in bed trying to WILD, and you realize it, and just get up and you’re in a LD. Also very cool. One moment, you’re awake, and now you’re in a dream world.
Chaining is the easiest way to WILD, and you don’t notice any SP at all, you just go right back to dreaming. Just be still and do something to get back dream senses, like using your dream hands, is good. And wait for the dream to come back.